How to Break Down Problems in Computer Science with PDLC

Maha Arshad
3 min readNov 3, 2023


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If you’re thinking of breaking into computer science, it’s crucial to understand the fundamental processes that guide software development and problem-solving.

The Program Development Life Cycle (PDLC) is a systematic approach that ensures efficient and effective software design. But what is PDLC, and how does it tie into computer systems and problem-solving?

The 5 Stages of PDLC

The PDLC is a meticulous process that divides software development into five key stages:

5 Stages of PDLC
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Step 1: Analysis

At this foundational stage, the problem at hand needs to be clearly defined. It’s essential to discern the needs and requirements to ensure that the solution is tailored to the problem. Tools such as abstraction and decomposition play a pivotal role here. Abstraction focuses on retaining key elements, while decomposition breaks a problem into manageable bits.

Step 2: Design

Once the problem is analyzed, the design phase dictates how the program should be developed. It involves mapping out the structure and flow of the program, often using tools like structure charts and pseudocode.

Step 3: Coding and Iterative Testing

During this phase, the program is written using a suitable programming language. Iterative testing ensures that as parts of the code are completed, they are continuously tested for errors and performance issues.

Step 4: Testing

The program is rigorously tested using different sets of data to ensure all tasks work together seamlessly.

Computer Systems and Decomposition

Every computer system, whether large-scale or on your mobile phone, is made up of software, data, hardware, and communications. These systems can be divided further into sub-systems and so on, demonstrating the essence of decomposition.

For instance, when you use a weather app, you’re interacting with a small computer system that fetches data from larger, more complex systems.

Photo of a high-tech digital device, either a smartphone or a computer, with semi-transparent layers floating above it. Each layer symbolizes a different component of the system: the lowest for hardware, showing the intricate motherboard and processors; above it, a layer for data with 0s and 1s representing digital information; followed by a software layer with graphical user interface elements like windows and cursors; and the topmost layer for communications with symbols of global connectivity
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Problem Decomposition

The essence of problem-solving in computer systems revolves around decomposition. For any problem to be tackled efficiently, it must be broken down into its core components:

Inputs: Data used by the system.
Processes: Tasks performed using the input data.
Outputs: Information that’s displayed or printed for users.
Storage: Data that are stored for future use.

Decomposing problems ensures that each aspect of the problem is addressed, paving the way for more structured and organized solutions.


The Program Development Life Cycle offers a structured path to creating efficient software solutions. Coupled with the principles of decomposition, it ensures that problems are dissected appropriately and solutions are tailored to meet specific needs.

If you know how to break down a problem, only then can you develop an effective code to solve a problem. But, before coding, you also need to consider the design, and I will delve deeper into two ways we design solutions in coming articles. Stay tuned.

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Maha Arshad

Hey, I’m a freelance writer on Upwork. I love reading novels (fantasy is my favorite!), watching anime and food!