PinnedFinancial Inclusion — the Key to gender equity?Defined as access to useful and affordable financial products and services, financial inclusion plays a crucial role in closing the gender…May 21, 20236May 21, 20236
PinnedArtificial intelligence and the catalysis of the world- Ananya Mahadevan.The wide-ranging possibilities, that computers might match or even exceed human intelligence and capabilities on tasks such as complex…Apr 23, 20232Apr 23, 20232
If I Were a College Professor I Would Teach a Fermented Tea Class- Ananya Mahadevan.Dec 29, 2023Dec 29, 2023
Embracing the Inner Child: A Journey of Joyful Rediscovery – Ananya Mahadevan.Dec 27, 2023Dec 27, 2023
Supercharge Your Best Life: Unleashing the Power Within — Ananya Mahadevan.Know YourselfNov 30, 2023Nov 30, 2023