Education System At The Present

Jacinth Mahanta
3 min readMay 14, 2020


In the past years, there have been advancements in almost every sphere of life of the society. We have made numerous transitions during this period. From telephones to mobile phones; from hand fans to air conditioners; from a journey to a place in the other side of the country taking many days to a journey to the other side of the world taking less than a day, a lot has developed over the last decade.

The education system too has undergone a change during this time. The traditional chalk boards are now almost replaced by white boards and smart boards. Nowadays, the number of schools have almost increased exponentially in the last century. The content of books have also changed. Nowadays, students are not only taught about science and mathematics, but they are also given classes on subjects like history of the world, moral values, geography, etc in schools as well.

But it is disheartening to see that even though the books we use in the education have changed, but there has been almost no change in the methodology of education. The teachers, even today, teach the students the art of “parrot learning” rather than helping them develop the concepts about the topics they are taught about. The exams too are based on testing how well a student is able to memorize what he was taught in class, rather than testing how well they have understood a topic and testing their knowledge and concepts. Students study in this manner thinking that they ought to memorize things and not try to understand the concepts behind them. The parents also pressurize and expect their children to follow the same.

The few students who actually want to learn about the concepts of the various phenomenons and ask their teachers about the same are often rebuked and asked to follow the trend that their peers follow. These students begin to feel that their approach to studies is wrong and they too, many-a-times, follow the example of their peers.

There has also been a trend that most teachers rely only on the content provided in the school books and they expect their students to follow and answer the questions in the exams from these books only. According to them, any information outside of these books is deemed to be wrong, although it is correct. This leads to students losing marks in the exams just because they wrote something from their knowledge. These students feel discouraged from this and they stop reading any additional books other than their school textbooks.

Is it right to discourage such students who wish to learn more than their school books can provide? Is studies restricted to bookish learning only? Are the students focusing on memorizing things right? Or, are the students basing their learning on concepts right? Readers, I leave these questions to be answered by you. But, from my point of view, the current education system is inadequate for the present-day students.

P.S.- This article is written from the point of view of the writer. He has no intention of hurting anyone’s feelings and if someone’s sentiments are hurt, I sincerely apologize for the same. This article has been written by the author after taking into account the views and opinions of a certain number of people and he has written this article based on the replies of those people. Lastly, thank you for sparing your time for reading this article.



Jacinth Mahanta

I write to see a change in the world we live in and I am not apologetic for the things I write about….