How to secure a SOHO network

Mahbuba Shahrin
3 min readDec 1, 2023



How to change the administrator password on a router.


A password is not needed for the Linksys E7350 Wi-Fi Router. This is a Hands-On Lab from IBM Cybersecurity program based on Routing and Switching, Network Packets and Structures.

In the Configuration tab, select Administration on the left, and select Password.

Create a password that’s 13 characters long with uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters. Don’t make the password simple and/or like a pattern with repeated numbers/letters. Then, save and continue.

Change the router’s default network name (SSID)

Select Wi-Fi from the left side panel and choose the Basic Wireless Settings. Create a custom SSID in the Network Name (SSID) section. Your SSID should not include your name, location, and purpose of the network. Even if it’s a guest access, no personal information should be included.

I added a random cartoon character name, bart simpson 5 in the 5 GHz Wireless Settings, Network Name (SSID) section and bart simpson 2.4 in the 2.4 GHz Wireless Settings section, Network Name (SSID) section. Save.

If you are unable to see the save button, try selecting tab on the keybvoard a few times below the second SSID Broadcast and then select the space bar, you will be able to save your work.

How to enable WPA3 Personal and Passphrase for Both Frequencies

In the Wi-Fi option in the left pane, select Wireless Security.

Select WPA3 Personal from the 2.4 and 5 GHz Wireless Security, Security Mode drop down. Enter a strong passphrase at least 12/13 characters long for the 2.4 and 5 GHz Passphrase. Save.

First, we learned how to change the default administrator password of the SOHO router to enhance security. Second, we changed the SOHO router’s default Service Set Identifier (SSID) for improved wireless security. Third, we enabled the WPA3 Personal security protocol with a strong passphrase for the SOHO router’s 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz frequencies. Finally, we enabled MAC filtering on the SOHO router to restrict access to specific devices.

