Quantum Mechanics — Quantum Particles are X-Men Characters!

Mahendran Sakkarai
4 min readDec 31, 2018

What is quantum mechanics?

Source: Stanford Online Cources

Quantum mechanics is a part of science which studies about the particles(electron, proton, neutron, etc) inside an atom. Why it’s separated from classical physics? The rationale is that the states and behavior of the subatomic particles are too strange than the particles which we observe in the day to day life.

Let’s see how it works.

The behaviors of the subatomic particles reminds me the x-men movie:-). As like the super human’s in that movie, the subatomic particles are like super particles having extraordinary behavior than normal particles which we see.

First we will see some of the super human’s and their behavior’s. Then we will relate those characters with the some basic behavior of subatomic particles. Movie Time buddies;-).

Night Crawler:

Night Crawler in X2 Credits: Marvel

You people might remember this scene in X2 film. Named Night Crawler who can able to play hide and seek in-front of your open eyes.


Mystique in X2. Credits: Marvel

Yes Night Crawler Mom. Named Mystique who can able to shift her shape and behave different whenever she wants.

Multiple Man:

Multiple Man in X2. Credits: Marvel

Next Multiple Man who can be able to at many place at once.

Shadow Cat:

Shadow Cat in X2. Credits: Marvel

Shadow Cat who can able to penetrate any kind of barriers.

Iceman and Fireman:

Iceman and Fireman in X2. Credits: Marvel

Iceman who can able to emit ice and Fireman who can be the emit fire.

I hope you people enjoyed the show. Now Let’s see how this characters are related to Atom particles.

Quantum Superposition:

Now Imagine a character which has mixed characteristic of Night crawler, Mystique and Multiple man at a single time. So the character will have the following behavior’s.

  1. Anywhere(Unpredictable) — Behavior of Night crawler
  2. Keep on changing it’s shape— Behavior of Mystique
  3. Doing the above 2 things at multiple places in a same time — Behavior of Multiple man

Now consider the above mentioned character as atom particle. Yes that’s how the atom particle behave. Physicist called this mixed behavior as Quantum Super Position. An atom particle can be anywhere, keep on changing it’s state and doing many thing simultaneously. Unlike Normal particles we can’t be able to predict the position of an atom particle until we measure it.

Quantum Tunneling:

Now it’s only character enough define the quantum tunneling phenomenon. It’s Shadow Cat. Shadow cat can be able to penetrate a barrier. It’s the same behavior of electron.

If a barrier is weak enough, the electron can able to easily penetrate through that barrier. Which is called Quantum Tunneling.

Quantum Entanglement:

For explaining Quantum Entanglement we need to 2 characters.

  1. Mystique 1 + Iceman
  2. Mystique 2 + Fireman

Along this characters we need to imagine that the mystique in each character somehow communicating with each other and exchanging info about the state of the character is fireman or iceman. Once the character is fireman the other character is iceman and vice versa. So once the Mystique 1 is received a info that other mystique is fireman it’ll immediately change as iceman.

Apply the above mentioned characteristic’s to the atom particle. Which characteristic is mentioned as Quantum Entanglement. If a pair of atom particles generated, one particle will be in the opposite state of the other at a measured time. Even it’s been separated in a distance also.

Note: I’m not a physicist. I just had a interest on how this works. So just written whatever i understood so far.

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