Mahero Laban
3 min readSep 29, 2022

3 Incredible Easy to Internalize tips for Yoga Beginners

Yoga has diverse paths centered on purifying oneself’s body, mind, and spirit to work together in relating oneself to universal consciousness to realize liberation from suffering and suppression that may come from depression and our daily life routines.

These three tips will build your valiance, guide your hearts’ purity, and build your patience in acquiring wisdom, producing the best human you can be.

Avoid Possible Distractions

The union between the body, mind, and spirit during yoga practice creates a spiritual awakening that needs concentration and relaxation that shifts consciousness to help the yogi get in touch with the surrounding energy out away from themselves.

This shift in energy, which is the essence of yoga, cannot be achieved in an environment with possible distractors that will rob the mind of its ability to focus.

To this effect, a clean odorless, dust-free practicing area forms an ideal ambiance for a successful session. This could be that gym where you meet with friends and partners who share the same goal as you do.

You can opt to join yoga classes in respective centers which are either public or private, in these centers, all the materials required for practice are provided and the environment is tailored explicitly for yoga practice. this makes these centers ideal for practicing yoga. check yoga for everyone here.

Yoga Diet

Consider the saying, “You are what you eat.” a yogic diet mainly consists of whole unprocessed foods consistent with the yoga philosophy. A lot of emphases is put on consuming fresh produce that is in season, or one can opt to have a personal garden where they grow their vegetables.

It may be challenging for a beginner to adopt a purely yogic diet. It will require you to be patient with yourself, while one naturally accepts the direction of life they have chosen. The process should be gradual until one fully goes vegetarian.

You will need a dietitian to help you have a diet plan that meets your body’s nutritional requirements. This will require a careful study of the foods that make up a yogic diet so that you can come up with an ideal diet plan.

At all costs, try to avoid alcoholic drinks, caffeine, check your smoking, and meat among other foods.

Have your meals at regular intervals of about 4–5 hours. While at this, make lunch the as your main meal. make sure to allow at least 2hours from the last meals before beginning your practice. Ensure that your diet plan includes healing herbs and spices. Check the Yoga diet complete guide

Make Yoga a Habit

Setting a routine will involve designing a set of poses that will be done at that specific time, for a specific length of time. repeating these poses daily as often as one deems fit, will form a routine that will instruct your practice.

You can begin with poses like side plank, warrior ii, and chair that are easier to master and do them repeatedly