What does …rest mean in ReactJS.

Mahesh Joshi
1 min readNov 20, 2019


Here’s an example. Let’s assume we have an object tempObj defined as follows:

const tempObj = {
name: 'Mahesh Joshi',
age: 30,
sex: 'M',
dob: new Date(1990, 1, 1)

For this example, it may help to just think of props as having the same structure (i.e., properties and values) as shown in tempObj. Now, let's write the following assignment.

const { name: Username, ...rest } = tempObj

The statement above amounts to both the declaration and assignment of two variables (or, I guess, constants). The statement can be thought out as:

Take property name defined on tempObj and assign its value to a new variable we call Username. Then, take whatever other properties were defined on tempObj (i.e., age, sex and dob) and collect them into a new object assigned to the variable we name rest.

Logging Username and rest to the console would confirm this. We have the following:

// => Mahesh Joshi
// => { age: 30, sex: 'M', dob: Mon Jan 01 1990 00:00:00 GMT-0800 (PST) }



Mahesh Joshi

Futurist, IoT Robotic Engineer, Javascript, Reactjs, React Native, Nodejs, ROR, NOSQL, PostGRES, ML Enthusiast