WordPress Contact Form 7 Rest API endpoints

Mahesh Joshi
2 min readAug 21, 2019


By the end of this tutorial, you will be able to collect emails that are send by the frontend users to your email box ( eg: abc@gmail.com )using contact form 7 rest api.

Photo by Domenico Loia on Unsplash

Let’s get started from backend wordpress.

Step 1: If you haven’t installed wordpress yet, then follow this link. https://wordpress.org/support/article/how-to-install-wordpress/ Otherwise, just skip this step.

Step 2:

Go to : Plugins → Add New

Search Plugin → Contact form 7

Install it. Activate it.

Click contact form. You will see something like this.

Now, Click tab: Mail

Edit To: {with you email address}

That’s all.

Let’s move to API section.

I am using insomnia rest client to make post request to backend wordpress server. You can use any other like PostMan. Or you may use axios from frontend using React, Vue, Angular etc.

Method: POST



  • www.yourdomain.com →with your domain name
  • 358 → This is contact form 7 id. for eg: [contact-form-7 id=”358" title=”Contact me”]. You will see this, once you install contact form 7 in your wordpress backend.
Insomnia Rest Client to send post request

Note: Don’t forget to use multipart Form


"into": "#",
"status": "mail_sent",
"message": "Thank you for your message. It has been sent."


Congratulation, You should now receive user emails to your email box.

Related Tag are :

  • contact form 7 api integration
  • wordpress rest api contact form
  • how to use contact form 7 to api
  • contact form 7 send data to api



Mahesh Joshi

Futurist, IoT Robotic Engineer, Javascript, Reactjs, React Native, Nodejs, ROR, NOSQL, PostGRES, ML Enthusiast