Python OOP Concepts Made Simple: Easy-to-Understand Code Examples

Maha K
1 min readSep 2, 2023

Demystifying OOP Concepts in Python: Classes, Objects, Polymorphism, Encapsulation, Inheritance, and Data Abstraction Made Easy

Here’s an easy-to-understand code example that demonstrates each of the mentioned OOP concepts in Python:

# Class: Define a class named 'Shape'
class Shape:
def __init__(self, color):
self.color = color

# Objects: Create instances of the 'Shape' class
circle = Shape("red")
rectangle = Shape("blue")

# Polymorphism: Define a function that works with different types of shapes
def describe(shape):
print(f"This shape is {shape.color}.")


# Encapsulation: Use private attributes with getter and setter methods
class BankAccount:
def __init__(self):
self.__balance = 0 # Private attribute

def get_balance(self):
return self.__balance

def deposit(self, amount):
if amount > 0:
self.__balance += amount

def withdraw(self, amount):
if 0 < amount <= self.__balance:
self.__balance -= amount

# Inheritance: Create a subclass 'Circle' that inherits from 'Shape'
class Circle(Shape):
def __init__(self, color, radius):
self.radius = radius

# Data Abstraction: Create an abstract class 'Animal'
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

class Animal(ABC):
def make_sound(self):

# Concrete class 'Dog' inheriting from 'Animal'
class Dog(Animal):
def make_sound(self):

# Using the concepts
account = BankAccount()
print("Balance:", account.get_balance())

circle = Circle("green", 5)
print("Circle color:", circle.color)

dog = Dog()

This example provides an easy way to understand these OOP concepts in Python by demonstrating their use in a simple context.

