5.5. Thread Pool

3 min readApr 11, 2023


The Thread Pool pattern is a concurrency design pattern that helps manage the efficient execution of multiple tasks in a multi-threaded application by reusing a limited number of threads. The pattern creates a pool of worker threads that wait for tasks to be assigned to them. When a task is completed, the worker thread returns to the pool, ready to be assigned another task. This pattern is particularly useful in situations where creating and destroying threads can be expensive or cause performance issues.

The Thread Pool pattern is typically used when:

  1. You want to improve performance and resource utilization in multi-threaded applications.
  2. You need to manage the execution of multiple tasks concurrently.
  3. You want to avoid the overhead of creating and destroying threads repeatedly.

To implement the Thread Pool pattern, follow these steps:

  1. Determine the appropriate size of the thread pool based on factors such as the number of available CPU cores, memory, and the nature of the tasks.
  2. Create a pool of worker threads that wait for tasks to be assigned to them.
  3. Implement a queue or buffer to hold tasks that are waiting to be processed.
  4. Implement a mechanism for assigning tasks from the queue to available worker threads.
  5. Implement a mechanism for worker threads to return to the pool after completing their assigned tasks.

Here’s a simple example of the Thread Pool pattern in Java:

import java.util.concurrent.*;

class ThreadPool {
private final ExecutorService executor;

public ThreadPool(int numberOfThreads) {
executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(numberOfThreads);

public void submitTask(Runnable task) {

public void shutdown() {

// Client code
public class Client {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ThreadPool threadPool = new ThreadPool(4);

// Submit tasks to be processed by the thread pool
threadPool.submitTask(() -> System.out.println("Task 1"));
threadPool.submitTask(() -> System.out.println("Task 2"));
threadPool.submitTask(() -> System.out.println("Task 3"));


In this example, the ThreadPool class represents the thread pool, and the ExecutorService manages the worker threads. The client code submits tasks to be processed by the thread pool, and the worker threads execute the tasks.

Advantages of the Thread Pool pattern:

  1. Improved performance: The pattern reduces the overhead of creating and destroying threads by reusing a limited number of threads, leading to better overall performance.
  2. Better resource utilization: The pattern allows for better resource utilization by managing the execution of multiple tasks concurrently.
  3. Scalability: The pattern supports the use of thread pools and can be extended to handle a larger number of tasks, improving the overall scalability of the system.

Disadvantages of the Thread Pool pattern:

  1. Increased complexity: The pattern introduces additional components such as thread pools, task queues, and task assignment mechanisms, which may make the codebase more complex and harder to manage.
  2. Potential bottlenecks: The pattern relies on a limited number of worker threads, which could become a performance bottleneck if the threads are overwhelmed with tasks.

When using the Thread Pool pattern, carefully consider its advantages and disadvantages. Use the pattern when you want to improve performance and resource utilization in multi-threaded applications. Be aware of the potential limitations introduced by the pattern, such as increased complexity and potential bottlenecks, and ensure that it is applied judiciously to maintain a clean and efficient codebase. Provide clear documentation or guidance for developers so they can understand how the pattern is used and how to extend or modify it as needed.

Note: For complete list of design patterns click here

