5.6. Thread-Safe Interface

3 min readApr 11, 2023


The Thread-Safe Interface pattern is a concurrency design pattern that ensures that an object’s methods can be safely called by multiple threads simultaneously without causing data corruption or other concurrency-related issues. This pattern is particularly useful in multi-threaded applications where shared objects need to be accessed and modified by multiple threads concurrently, requiring synchronization to maintain data consistency and thread safety.

The Thread-Safe Interface pattern is typically used when:

  1. You want to ensure that an object’s methods can be safely called by multiple threads simultaneously.
  2. You need to provide synchronization mechanisms for shared objects accessed by multiple threads.
  3. You want to simplify the management of concurrent access to shared objects in multi-threaded applications.

To implement the Thread-Safe Interface pattern, follow these steps:

  1. Identify the objects and their methods that need to be accessed by multiple threads concurrently.
  2. Define a thread-safe interface for these objects that includes the necessary synchronization mechanisms to maintain data consistency and thread safety.
  3. Implement the thread-safe interface for the shared objects, ensuring that the synchronization mechanisms are used correctly.
  4. Provide clear documentation or guidance for developers on how to use the thread-safe interface and its methods.

Here’s a simple example of the Thread-Safe Interface pattern in Java:

import java.util.concurrent.locks.*;

class ThreadSafeCounter {
private int count;
private final ReadWriteLock lock;

public ThreadSafeCounter() {
count = 0;
lock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock();

public void increment() {
try {
} finally {

public int getCount() {
try {
return count;
} finally {

// Client code
public class Client {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ThreadSafeCounter counter = new ThreadSafeCounter();

Runnable incrementTask = () -> {
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {

Thread t1 = new Thread(incrementTask);
Thread t2 = new Thread(incrementTask);



System.out.println("Counter value: " + counter.getCount());

In this example, the ThreadSafeCounter class represents a shared object with a thread-safe interface that includes the necessary synchronization mechanisms to maintain data consistency and thread safety. The ReadWriteLock is used to ensure that multiple threads can read the value simultaneously while write operations are mutually exclusive.

Advantages of the Thread-Safe Interface pattern:

  1. Improved thread safety: The pattern ensures that shared objects’ methods can be safely called by multiple threads simultaneously, preventing data corruption and concurrency-related issues.
  2. Simplified management of concurrent access: The pattern provides a clear and consistent interface for managing concurrent access to shared objects, making it easier for developers to work with multi-threaded applications.
  3. Encapsulation of synchronization: The pattern encapsulates synchronization mechanisms within the thread-safe interface, promoting clean and modular code.

Disadvantages of the Thread-Safe Interface pattern:

  1. Increased complexity: The pattern introduces additional components, such as synchronization mechanisms and thread-safe interfaces, which may make the codebase more complex and harder to manage.
  2. Performance overhead: The pattern requires the use of synchronization mechanisms, which may introduce performance overhead in some cases.

When using the Thread-Safe Interface pattern, carefully consider its advantages and disadvantages. Use the pattern when you want to ensure that an object’s methods can be safely called by multiple threads simultaneously in multi-threaded applications. Be aware of the potential limitations introduced by the pattern, such as increased complexity and performance overhead, and ensure that it is applied judiciously to maintain a clean and efficient codebase. Provide clear documentation or guidance for developers so they can understand how the pattern is used and how to extend or modify it as needed.

Note: For complete list of design patterns click here

