Top 5 Redis Use Cases in Distributed Systems

Mahesh Saini
5 min readJul 11, 2023

We’ll talk about the top use cases that have been better tested in production at various companies and at various scales, Get insights into how Redis solves interesting scalability challenges for us, and learn why it is a great tool to know well in our system design tool set.

First of all, what is Redis and why do people use it? Redis is an in memory data structure store. It’s most commonly used as a cache. It supports many data structures such as strings, hashes, lists, sets, and sorted sets. Redis is known for its speed.

1. Caching Objects

  • The number one use case for Redis is caching objects to speed up web applications.
  • In this use case, Redis stores frequently requested data in memory. It allows the web servers to return frequently accessed data quickly.
  • This reduces the load on the database and improves the response time for the application.
  • At scale, the cache is distributed among a cluster of Redis servers. Sharding is a common technique to distribute the caching load evenly across the cluster.

2. Session Store

