How to treat Dry Skin on Dogs | Vet Advice

Maheen Asif
8 min readAug 19, 2020


Photo by Luis Gutierrez on Unsplash

Pet dog in your life means having the best loyal partner, but it also demands time and care. Just like any other animal, dogs need proper pampering. There are many skin problems that dogs get but with no doubt — the most common one is Dry Skin. Though it is not a big deal, it might be the cause of some underlying severe health disorders. That is why it is crucial to deal with the problem of dry skin on Dogs? We will explain the causes, symptoms, and, most importantly, treatment for dry skin in dogs. So, don’t forget to read it till the end.

It would be sad to see your lovely dog disturbed by flaky and itchy skin. That is why, to give your Dog soft and supple skin and to make him happier, let’s move ahead.

When should you worry about dry skin on the dog?

Flaky and dry skin in dogs is quite common. They feel itch and then lick and scratch themselves multiple times. However, if it reaches a situation where their body gets woundy due to excessive scratching then it’s a sign of underlying pathology. At that point, you must take action for his dry skin.


Now you know when should you start paying attention to dog’s dry skin, let me mention the main sections of this article first.

1: Causes of Dry Skin on Dogs

2: Symptoms of Dry Skin on Dogs

3: Treatments

1: Causes of Dry Skin on dogs

Source: Pet Health Networks

To find the solution of something, the first step is to find the cause and core reason of that. The causes for dry skin in dogs may vary from weather changes to some severe health problems like hypothyroidism and Cushing’s disease. However, here I am mentioning all the possible causes of itchy and dry skin on dogs.


Dr Juliette Bouillon, who is an assistant professor at Ross University School of Veterinary Machine, says,

“Dry skin in a dog can be due to environmental changes, such as cold weather in the winter.”

Moreover, If you live in a humid environment, your dog is more likely to have dry skin. You can diagnose it quite easily. Just part your dog’s hair and if he has dry skin you will find

  • Dandruff flakes there
  • Skin is tough and cracked.

While checking up, you need to be very careful because your gentler touch may cause him to scratch violently.

Poor Nutrition

Weather conditions can cause dry skin, but it is also influenced by diet. The commercial dog foods aim for healthy skin and luxurious hair coat by processing out good oils.

However, dry pet foods cause dehydration and thirst to a more extent, and that causes dry skin.


Fungal and bacterial infections cause several symptoms in the body that includes dry skin. Vet diagnoses canine skin infections by taking skin scrapes for cytology. A vet wrote in a publication that

If we see skin infections, we take it very lightly. However, sometimes it is caused by some serious health issues. That’s why you should take it seriously.

Moreover, some infections like fungal infection ringworm are transmissible to humans as well.


Allergies can happen to anyone. These can cause oily, greasy, dry, and flaky skin in them that make them lick, scratch and chew their skin.

Food allergies, seasonal allergies such as pollen dust, grass, feather, animal dander, grain and flea saliva; and environmental allergies cause a number of symptoms that also include dry skin. If you don’t treat them it gets severe over time and causes a condition called atopic dermatitis which is followed by redness, dry skin, and itching. These may also lead to secondary skin infections.

Dr Amanda Nascimento who is head of the integrative veterinary medicine and researcher at NVH Natural Pet says:

“Because allergies can cause excessive itching in dogs and cats, it is one of the major causes of dry skin. it can be caused by dust, ingestion of food or liquids”

Vet says that nowadays, dogs are facing more allergies than before. They also say that this time we have an “allergy pandemic.” The reason is uncertain, but according to some theories, it is caused by poor breeding practices, aggressive vaccination protocols, and processed foods.

Flea Allergy Dermatitis — an allergic reaction to flea saliva is the most common disease in American Dogs. It is very important to prevent this allergy by keeping your Dog away from fleas.

No matter what causes it, allergies are difficult to diagnose. In extreme conditions, they are given strong {toxic} pharmaceuticals to give them some relief.

Excessive Bathing

Have you ever faced the condition where your hands got super dry because of excessive washing of them? Similarly, the dog’s skin gets too dry when you give them too many baths. You think that it is helping your Dog, but the results are the opposite because everything is good at a moderate level.

Excessive bathing can also lead to dry skin of dogs, especially when you don’t put moisturizer afterwards.Bouillon Notes


Parasites are one of the causes of Dog’s dry skin. It can be a sign of parasites that cause mange, i.e., Cheyletiellosis, Demodex mite, and canine scabies. It could also be a sign that your Dog has lice.

You first have to diagnose if your Dog really has dry skin caused by parasites, then you need to visit the vet. There you will be referred to a veterinary dermatology specialist if your pet requires specialist attention.

Metabolic diseases

The stomach plays a significant role in the texture of your skin. Sometimes dry skin can be a cause of serious problems. Metabolic disease such as hypothyroidism and Cushing’s disease is associated with dry skin in dogs. These cause hair loss, dry and brittle hair, and skin infections. These problems are severe, and when you see the symptoms you should see the vet ASAP

Other causes

There are other causes of dry skin on dogs. Autoimmune diseases and cancer is one of them.

“Ultimately, scaling can develop in association with some illnesses such as endocrine diseases (hypothyroidism, hyperadrenocorticism, diabetes mellitus), skin allergies, resolving skin infections, parasitic infestations (mange, lice, Cheyletiella) and, more rarely, cancer or genetic diseases like ichthyosis (fish scale disease),” Bouillon says

Symptoms of Dry Skin on Dogs

Source: Reddit

Before moving to the treatment, let’s discuss its symptoms first. The most common signs and symptoms are

· Scaling
· Hairloss
· Scabs
· Inflammation
· Dandruff
· Pimples
· Itchiness
· Too much sebum
· Flaking
· Odor

Some dogs face all these symptoms, while others suffer one or two conditions. You have to keep a check on your Dog’s health as it will help out the vet to evaluate the situation.

Treatments of Dry Skin on Dogs

If you are here, then by now, you would be aware of the causes and symptoms of dry skin on dogs. Secondly, if you know that your Dog does not have any underlying health problem, then it’s time to move one step further ie treatment


Allergies may also cause dry skin. According to clinical research, in order to minimize the chances of allergies, give them beneficial probiotics of high potency such as lactobacillus Bifidus and lactobacillus acidophilus at a young age. However, if you are concerned that they might be harmful, then you should know that it is perfectly safe and cheap and can save your Dog from visiting to vet in the future. If your Dog is not young, still allergies can be controlled by improving its diet.

Improve their Diet

As dry dog food can cause dry skin, try to avoid it as much as you can. If you don’t have any choice other than feeding him dry foods, then make sure that you add digestive enzymes to their meal. These enzymes improve the digestion process and release of nutrients. Healthy metabolism and digestive tract is key to perfect skin. It absorbs fluids from your dog food and enhances the skin texture by increasing the moisture level of the hair coat and skin.

Moreover, giving them high doses of fish oils, high potency of acidophilus, and adding freshly milled flaxseed is a perfect option. Lastly, in some cases, you can also give them antihistamines. Soon you will start seeing results after 3 months of this regime.

Visiting the vet

No matter if you are doing all essentials for him, it is still important to have a veterinarian check-up of your Dog.

Sometimes dry skin might be a cause of some severe health issues. In this case, your vet will have to treat both the skin and the condition. For example, Demadex mange, also known as secondary demodicosis, is often caused by Cushion’s disease. That means your vet will work on both the mange and Cushing’s disease.

Secondly, the vet will see if your dog has environmental allergies. It can be tested but unfortunately, can’t be treated for a longer time. However, the possible treatments for these are

· Controlling the symptoms i.e. rashes, dry skin, itches
· Avoiding the allergens
· Immunotherapy options i.e allergy shots

Most of the time, the vets use a combo of all these treatments for a better result.

Preventions for Dry Skin on Dogs

Treating the condition alone will not work. You also have to take precautionary measures for quick relief of dry skin and prevention of that in future

· Healthy diet
· Keep your house and dog away from parasites
· Grooming of your pet daily
· Research your Dog breed to see which skin conditions this breed is more prone to get and how you can prevent it
· Giving them daily required supplements.


Source: All things Dogs

No doubt that diagnosing which condition your Dog is dealing with requires a vet, but with the given suggestions, you can provide him relief and make him comfortable in his skin to a more extent.

However, first of all, you would have to check the symptoms and try to find the cause of it. Even after all the preventions if your Dog’s condition is not getting better; then, this is a time to go to the vet. Also, if you come to know that some severe health problems are causing dry skin on your dog, then just don’t panic and worry. Take care of him, take him to the vet whenever it is needed. At last, the most important thing is to have some patience. He will get better soon.
Ps: It is my first ever post here. I hope it helped. If you like it even a bit, then please don’t forget to give it a clap. It will motivate me to write more.



Maheen Asif

Dreamer | Student | Freelancer | Cry-baby | Believer | Achiever ❤