3 min readDec 23, 2021


Ikigai is a beautiful Japanese word which means “reason for being”, but like a lot of other words, I perceive its meaning as something that relates to me and my life.

I have had an extraordinary life, so far, I chose not to call it “beautiful” because my life doesn’t justify or stand by the socially accepted meaning of the word. Nevertheless, it’s been a rollercoaster ride. I have loved the entire experience and looking forward to much more surprises to come.

Ikigai, to me, is living in the present, embracing and being grateful for everything that comes my way. Whether it be love, hate, success, failure, happiness, hurt, faith or betrayal, I have lived it all.

Life is never easy, but it sure is exciting. That is the reason why you should be grateful for everything. I believe in the fact that the universe looks after all of us and it gifts us abundance when we are truly grateful for what we have.

It might seem like things are not happening according to - “Our Plan” but maybe the universe has a better plan for all of us. Like Steve Jobs once said that it is easier to join the dots backwards, we really understand the significance of all the little “meaningless" things that happened to us, had a reason behind it. That is the beauty of life and that’s how great stories are created. Maybe your story is not as famous as others' but it sure is special.

While we complain about a lot of things that’s not exclusively ours to keep, we forget the most unique and raw thing, that we own - our life story. It’s better than any fairy tale or even better than the most loved script on screen because in this story we have the authority to write our scenes, deal with our problems, experience the different emotions and be the main lead of what is the “Greatest Show Ever”, we’ll be a part of.

The most exciting part lies in the fact that everyone is a part of your show while managing to live their own, which in-turn is completely unique and raw. Doesn’t it sound fascinating, that out of an infinite number of possibilities, you have been made to be exactly where you are, while still holding the power to completely change what you are?

It is because of this fact that I believe in not living your life emotionless in pursuit of your goal. Instead, I encourage accepting every emotion that has been presented to you and expressing everything you have to offer. Because, we are humans after all and that’s what we have been designed to do - feel every emotion, experience all sorts of energies and truly appreciate your existence.

It is the mixture of all sentiments that makes life complete and worth living. The most basic things can incite the most strong emotions one can experience. A cup of hot tea on a chilly evening, a sudden bump against a table, a little extra scoop of ice cream on your Sundae or a random day when your hair looks great, are all the great things that make a little part of your day but gives you the sense of being alive, every day.

I might not be an old, wise and experienced lady, but I know that at the end of our rendition of the “Greatest Show Ever” all that we are going to remember are the feelings we’ve felt, emotions we’ve lived and memories we’ve made. In the end, that’s all we’ll have to ourselves and would be allowed to take back with us.

So, let’s practice IKIGAI and truly live in the present.