Why I deleted Facebook/Instagram from my Mobile and you should too

Mahipesh Satija
4 min readJul 1, 2017



Most of my working day included, planning, implementing and social networking. But soon this social networking turned into social media entertainment, and I couldn’t do much about it. The urge of checking my device for notifications, comments, likes, entertainment, and the urge to keep up my life in terms of social media presence, continuos feeding of the Ego.

And if nothing then just plain entertainment, watching videos, being targeted by a number of shopping brands and services to buy their products and wasting most of my energy for something that’s not gonna provide me any ROI (in financial terms).

We are living in an era, where it is easiest to communicate or contact merely anyone at any given time at any given place, within a few clicks. But are we really communicating?? Are we regularly in touch with people we used to hang out with, or have worked with in the past?? Social media is more of entertainment media these days and if you’re working hard for your dreams, it’s envy media towards those who are vacationing!

There’s no deny that Internet media has opened up a boom of opportunities. Informative Content has taken us by storm and helped us gain vast knowledge about our planet, technology, our problems and generated awareness. But not for all, most of us are aware and just hooked up with social media doing nothing else in our mean time.

How it’s like— The after math

The first two days were really tuff. Opening my phone like regular for checking facebook and Instagram and realising it wasn’t there anymore, but thanks to “Medium” which was my source of transformation to get through this time, by reading and getting inspired.

The habit of an instant update, when the first shower of Monsoon happened few days ago, and the clouds were all over the Sky, I took my phone out to Insta the weather, and got a punch back, it’s not there. My Dad’s B’day and the little kid in our house, capturing these moments and sharing them instantly as stories, were all now a talk of the past, now I can just be there, live these moments as they are and maybe capture them just for myself and sharing them with family members. But all this is actually more fun, than the Unreal Virtual world.

What I gained

Well now is the time when i’m not completely distracted with my phone, but with my thoughts when I am free. Remembering memories from the past and a few friends I haven’t seen or spoken to from a time. So, without delaying it further, i poke them on whatsapp, started a conversation and this helped me getting in touch with my people. I was maybe watching their posts or activities, but not personally communicating. And this change felt good.

Also now, I’m not wasting hours on social media, looking at vague things, and monotonous repetitive stories. Instead I am searching for answers on Google and learning new courses on Online Platforms like Shaw Academy, which by the way has a “Free 1 month membership”. And that’s not all wonder because I dropped social media apps, what I gained is focus, and least distraction while I’m learning new things.

And all this doesn’t mean I am not using Social media. I open facebook for around 15 mins every day on my desktop. Look through feeds and if there’s anything noteworthy or interesting for me to subscribe, learn or get inspired from, and of course, what’s going around on the web and the world.


I don’t have a plan really, where I am taking this. But for the meantime I can say, i’m happy to make this choice and cut my addiction with social media through my phone, and actually focus on the lot that’s pending to be done.

And of course I gained useful insight on where I should be focusing my time, and I’ve started using Youtube more often than before, for learning new things, and gaining knowledge and real time reviews about products I want to buy myself. Here, i can make a choice, what I wish to watch by opening it, where my interest lies, other than randomly looking at random feeds. So, I highly recommend Google and Youtube usage for learning and satisfying your curiosity.

For the most of it, I can focus on more important things and learn new things when I am not occupied. I am happy about the fact, that I ain’t killing my time, and reshaping my knowledge and focus to do exactly what I feel like doing.

Let me know if you liked my post or feel the same about the use of social media. I have just begun my journey on Medium and a quick feedback would be noteworthy. If you liked it, show love with the green Heart.



Mahipesh Satija

Digital Marketing consultant with endless love for Fitness and Music