The Role of NGOs in Education: Pehchaan The Street School’s Mission

Mahira Bajwa
7 min readJun 17, 2024


Non-Governmental Organizations or as we commonly call them, NGOs have become indispensable and a tool in addressing the numerous educational challenges faced by developing countries — especially for countries such as ours, India. They help bridge gaps left by governmental and private educational institutions, NGOs ensure that underprivileged children gain access to the transformative and amazing power of education. One such impactful organization in India, based in the capital, is Pehchaan The Street School. Dedicated to providing free education to street children, Pehchaan the Street School is a beacon of hope, transforming lives and shaping brighter futures for countless individuals — for those who teach, and for those who learn.

It is truly, a remarkable example of an NGO dedicated to education equity — in an all-encompassing way. Based in Delhi, India, with several centres across the city — Pehchaan has been contributing to this cause of equity for several years. Pehchaan The Street School operates with a structured approach, ensuring sustained engagement with its students and feedback from it’s teachers

The organization’s name, “Pehchaan,” reflects its goal of helping children create their own identity in this world. In an era, where education has often become commercialized, Pehchaan aims to break financial barriers that prevent passionate and determined children who can achieve so many things from accessing education. The NGO’s mission is to create a future where every child with the desire to learn; has the opportunity to do so.

Pehchaan The Street School’s impact is evident in the lives it has touched. With the help of over 2000 volunteers, the NGO has positively impacted more than 1500 students, working over 10000 hours and reaching over 5000 people — and the numbers keep on increasing. They provide learning materials, financial aid, and create joyful learning experiences for their students, emphasizing the importance of the holistic approach and the potential education holds.

NGOs play several important and imperative roles in the educational landscape, especially in regions where resources are scarce and access to education is limited, as agencies have various other aspects to look after as well, and it is unfortunate to say so, but sometimes certain sections of society can get left behind. Here is where NGOS step in , and they make education accessible to children who might otherwise not be included, such as children who do not get the same opportunities as privileged children. By setting up schools in underserved areas, they bring learning opportunities directly to the children, who need them most and can make the most out of them. Beyond mere access — Pehchaan focuses on improving the quality of education. They ensure that classrooms are led by teachers who have been given proper training and equipped with adequate learning materials. Creating a conducive learning environment is especially needed, because it enables children to thrive academically and personally. NGOs often employ innovative teaching methods and holistic education models that cater to the diverse needs of children. They try to use interactive and engaging techniques that make learning more effective and enjoyable. NGOs advocate for educational reforms and policies that support inclusive and equitable education — because their advocacy is their cause. This allows them to indirectly engage with policymakers and the public, and work to ensure that the rights of all children to a quality education are recognized and upheld.

Pehchaan the Street School emobides the commitment of NGOs to education. Founded with the mission of “Education for All,” this organization strives to provide free, quality education to street children across India. The name, as mentioned before “Pehchaan,” meaning “identity” in Hindi, signifies the organization’s goal to help children establish their own identity through education — but not only that, Pehchaan The Street School aims to establish a “Pehchaan” of it’s own, by being an inspirational NGO.

Pehchaan the Street School has implemented several key programs and initiatives to fulfill its mission. The organization offers various foundational education in essential subjects such as English, Mathematics, Science, S.S.T and so on. This basic knowledge equips children with the academic skills necessary for their overall development and to be aware of their surroundings, both theoretically and practically. Pehchaan The Street School as an NGO, recognizes that education extends beyond academics, Pehchaan emphasizes life skills education. Children learn about hygiene, social interaction, financial literacy, and other crucial skills that prepare them for everyday life and future challenges. Pehchaan encourages participation in sports, arts, and crafts to promote all around development and foster creativity. These activities help in nurturing well-rounded individuals who can contribute meaningfully to society and also become formidable individuals.

The impact of Pehchaan The Street School on the lives of underprivileged children and their communities has definitely been one to mention. The school has successfully enrolled many underprivileged children who previously had no access to education, or access to sub-par education. This initiative has opened doors for these children, giving them hope, a path to growth and also to a better future. Students gain essential life skills that help them navigate daily challenges and prepare for future opportunities through this medium. These skills are crucial for their personal growth and success as mentioned earlier. Pehchaan raises awareness within communities about the importance of education and the rights of children. This advocacy work helps create a supportive environment for children’s education.

Despite its successes, Pehchaan The Street School faces several challenges — as does any NGO. Limited funding, social stigma, and various logistical issues in any aspect are significant hurdles. However, the organization remains formidable in its mission as the mission is kept alive by seeking support from donors, volunteers, and the community. Pehchaan aims to expand its reach to more cities and rural areas, bringing education to more underprivileged children. By extending its programs, the organization hopes to impact more lives. The organization seeks to develop sustainable models that ensure long-term impact and to maintain room for improvement. This involves building partnerships and creating funding mechanisms that support ongoing operations. Pehchaan plans to strengthen its advocacy efforts by trying to create a more inclusive system. By engaging with policymakers and stakeholders, the organization aims to drive systemic change — one child at a time.

NGOs like Pehchaan The Street School play a vital role in making education accessible and meaningful for underprivileged children. By providing quality education and life skills, Pehchaan is helping street children build a brighter future. The organization’s dedication and innovative approaches highlight the importance of NGOs, in transforming lives through education.

“Education is one thing no one can take away from you.” — Elin Nordegren. It fosters personal development, opens economic opportunities, and promotes critical thinking. However, not every child has the opportunity to experience this life-changing element due to various barriers such as financial constraints, gender biases, geographic isolation, and familial responsibilities, and thus NGOs address these barriers by providing education to children who might otherwise be left behind. They ensure that children receive a good quality education from trained professionals and have access to necessary educational resources. NGOs conduct activities that address not only the educational but also the physical, social, and emotional needs of students, which ensures development in all aspects as all abilities need to be sharp to harness their potential. They engage with communities to build support and trust, ensuring that education remains a priority — keeping equity in mind.

NGOs help develop essential skills and habits in children that are crucial for success in life. Skills such as leadership, time management, responsibility, accountability, honesty, adaptability, problem-solving, rational thinking, critical thinking, communication, and creativity are often nurtured through NGOs — and Pehchaan focuses on these as well. By focusing on educational equity, NGOs provide education to all children, regardless of who they are and where they come from, creating a safe space for children to express their emotions and concerns.

The impact of NGOs extends beyond the individual to their families and communities as well. Educated children are more likely to break the vicious cycle of poverty, and their education has a positive ripple effect not only in the people they surround themselves with, but them as well. NGOs apart from providing formal education also empower children with the strength and ability to think critically and navigate life’s challenges skilfully.

In conclusion, NGOs like Pehchaan The Street School are crucial in bridging educational gaps and ensuring that underprivileged children receive the education they deserve — and should be given a chance to pursue. By focusing on accessibility, quality, innovation, and advocacy, Non-Governmental Organizations play a pivotal role in shaping brighter futures for countless children, and various other aspects of society indirectly, and they are very important for a country to function. Pehchaan The Street School’s mission and achievements underscore the transformative power of education and the vital role of NGOs in making this transformation possible. As Nelson Mandela aptly said, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” Through education, NGOs, especially Pehchaan The Street School — are indeed changing lives and creating a more equitable, prosperous society as well as a better world to live in.

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For any queries you can also contact: +91 9711718972

