How Is Mahjong Tiles Game Different From Playing It Online?

Mahjong Tiles
3 min readMar 23, 2017


Mahjong tiles game has been around for centuries and is considered as a favorite time pass of people of Asia, Japan, Singapore, and Hong Kong. This “game of hundred intelligences” soon became popular with Americans too, who introduced their own set of rules to play it. Slowly and steadily, the craze for this game expanded to other areas of the world too and several copies of it was born both online as well as in the form of the board game. But, the significance of mahjong tiles game remained the same. Although many people play it online but they miss the real fun which is in playing it with different types of tiles like Catalin mahjong tiles, bamboo mahjong tiles, Bakelite mahjong tiles and bone mahjong tiles.

No doubt, today technology has brought out many different versions of this ancient mahjong tiles game and has made it simpler than before but it can’t take the place of the original Mahjong. However, both require the same levels of memory, strategy, and skills and both of them are equally popular in their own parts of the world. In spite of being same, both online and mahjong tiles games hold a few differences that set both of them apart.

  • Where mahjong tiles game is as diverse as the game is complicated, the online Mahjong is a bit easy to play as the rules are easy to understand on the Internet.
  • In the case of mahjong tiles game, you will find the sets consisting of different types of tiles, starting from Catalin mahjong tiles, bamboo mahjong tiles to Bakelite and Bone mahjong tiles whereas in the online Mahjong there is no such diversification and you have just one platform to play.
  • Another difference between the two is the tile game has been played for centuries and comes from China while the online game was introduced some time back.
  • To play mahjong tiles game you need four players and the online game is specifically designed for a single player to play on the computer.
  • The mahjong tiles game has real opponents to play with and you need better strategy and skills to won from them while this is not the case with online Mahjong where everything is virtual and imaginary.

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  • Original mahjong tiles game is played with one method which is prevalent all over the world as it is but online mahjong can be played with several methods. You will come across many different rules according to different places while playing an online mahjong game.
  • It is always fun to play a board game with different tiles as it generates interest and entertainment rather than an isolated online game, which is just played between you and your computer.

All in all, no matter how you play this game whether online or on the board, it will always be fun, exciting and a great learning experience. It will challenge you each and every time you play it.

