“” My Strategic Journey in Innovating HFT and Market Making

Mahmood Riaz
8 min readJan 18, 2024


Elevating High-Frequency Trading-HFT

Exploring the Cutting-Edge of Financial Markets: Strategies and Innovations in High-Frequency Trading

Introduction: Overcoming Challenges to Achieve Market-Making
My journey into the high-frequency trading (HFT) arena began in 2008. It was a path that led me from the Dubai Gold and Commodities Exchange (DGCX) to achieving an impressive billion-dollar trading volume in a single day at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME). This feat, notably achieved without the assistance of AI in our beta version, was a testament to our advanced, ultra-low-latency FX price and liquidity aggregation system with co-located servers—essential components in the high-speed world of HFT. After a hiatus due to financial constraints, we are now set to upgrade our system with state-of-the-art Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML), aiming to bring revolutionary changes to our market-making strategies.

From Basics to Billions: The Evolution of Algorithmic Trading
In the initial stages, my passion for market-making on derivative exchanges led me to choose a licensed platform. However, this decision came with high operational costs, significantly impacting our bottom line. This challenge was the catalyst for the development of our proprietary market-making FIX Engine. Collaborating with a team that included a former CTO of a major IT firm in the USA, we launched a successful beta version. Our journey began with triumphs at DGCX, where our FIX engine generated impressive trading volumes, paving the way for our expansion to the CME.

Snip of the Liquidity prices

Technological Advancements: Shaping Our Trading Future
As time progressed, technological advancements played a pivotal role in reshaping our trading strategies. By integrating our system via FIX API with leading banks, we developed a sophisticated aggregator, which enabled us to create our spot-to-futures and futures-to-spot prices. This journey, though challenging, was immensely rewarding and marked a significant milestone in our trading evolution.

Behind the Scenes: Crafting a Winning Market-Making Algorithm
Our primary strategy revolved around aggregating liquidity and accurately predicting short-term market trends. This required a focus on dynamic order placement and stringent risk management, ensuring we constantly adapted to the ever-changing market dynamics. Our team comprised skilled developers and algorithmic traders, many of whom came from hedge fund backgrounds and had a deep understanding of the intricacies of HFT.

Early Challenges and Adaptations: Building a Foundation for Success
The initial phase of our venture was riddled with challenges. Our first venture into the market using a licensed but expensive quoting machine, which cost us a steep $15,000 per month, was financially strenuous. However, this period taught me the importance of strategic thinking and laid the groundwork for the development of our own trading system.

Section 2: Algorithmic Excellence and Strategic Market Adaptation in HFT

Algorithmic Refinement for Liquidity and Trend Prediction
Our journey in high-frequency trading (HFT) pivoted towards developing sophisticated algorithms adept at liquidity aggregation and precision in forecasting short-term market trends. This strategy hinged on dynamic order execution and robust risk management, vital for adapting to the mercurial nature of financial markets.

Strategic Breakthrough: Transitioning to CME
A crucial stride in our HFT endeavors was the successful shift to the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME). Leveraging advanced trading algorithms, particularly the use of forward points, we optimized our pricing strategy, thereby amplifying our market presence and volume significantly. This maneuver was a key inflection point, cementing our standing in the competitive HFT sphere.

Mitigating High Clearing Costs at CME
The transition to CME came with its challenges, notably the elevated clearing costs. To mitigate this, we secured a proprietary trading membership, which was instrumental in reducing these expenses and bolstering our trade profitability.

Dual Cost Management in Market Making
Addressing the dual costs of market making, our algorithms skillfully balanced fees to Liquidity Providers (LPs) and CME’s quoting charges, ensuring sustained profitability despite these financial challenges.

Section 3: AI/ML — Revolutionizing Trading Strategy Optimization

Current Landscape in AI/ML Integration
In the realm of trading, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) have emerged as indispensable tools, offering capabilities that were previously unattainable. Their role in transforming trading strategies, particularly in areas like predictive analytics and risk management, is becoming increasingly significant.

Integrating AI/ML for Enhanced Market Strategies
The integration of AI/ML technologies could have significantly optimized our trading strategies. Advanced algorithms like Long Short-Term Memory (LSTMs) and AutoRegressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) models present opportunities to dramatically improve predictive accuracy in trading. These technologies are not just enhancements; they are game-changers in the world of high-frequency trading.

AI-Driven Price Prediction in Volatile Markets
Consider a scenario where AI is utilized to predict price movements in highly volatile markets. This application of AI could have profoundly improved our accuracy in market making and profitability. For instance, by analyzing patterns in historical data, AI models could forecast market trends, enabling us to adjust our strategies in real-time.

Section 4: The Future of Market Making with Cutting-Edge Technologies

Emerging Trends in Technology for Market Making
As we move forward, technologies like deep learning and real-time analytics are setting new benchmarks in market making. These tools provide deeper insights into market behavior and enable faster, more effective responses to market changes.

Innovative Applications of AI/ML in Quoting and Liquidity Management
In a trading environment where we manage liquidity based on spot and future prices to create our unique pricing, AI/ML technologies can be pivotal in optimizing our quoting strategies on derivative exchanges. Let’s delve into a detailed example:

Dynamic Control of Spread and Lot Size Using AI/ML
Imagine our quoting machine employs AI/ML to dynamically control the spread and lot size based on price predictions and order book analysis. Based on AI’s prediction, influenced by factors such as market volume and fundamental indicators, our system could adjust quote spreads and lot sizes, shifting our quotes from the first level to possibly the second or even fourth level in the order book.

For instance, in a scenario where AI predicts a surge in market volume due to a major economic announcement, our system might widen the spread to mitigate risk or place larger lot sizes at deeper levels of the order book to capitalize on the anticipated market movement. This dynamic quoting could involve advanced order types like iceberg orders, which are crucial in maintaining market stability and our position secrecy.

Advanced Algorithmic Strategies
This dynamic approach forms the basic rule set of our algorithm, but our system operates on a much more advanced level. Our algorithms are meticulously designed to manage order quotes, incorporating complex factors such as real-time market sentiment analysis, predictive trend analytics, and historical data comparisons. These strategies are continually refined to adapt to market changes, ensuring optimal performance and profitability.

Advanced Algorithms for Future-Proof Market Making
Our journey into integrating AI/ML in market making is not just about keeping pace with technological advancements; it’s about setting new standards in the trading industry. By sharing these insights and our approach to algorithm development, we aim to foster a collaborative environment that encourages innovation and knowledge exchange within the trading community. As we continue to refine our strategies, we invite professionals and experts to join us in this endeavor, contributing to the evolution of high-frequency trading.

Section 5: Navigating the Complexities of Toxic Order Flow and Latency Management in HFT

Managing Toxic Order Flow with Advanced AI Strategies
In high-frequency trading (HFT), managing toxic order flow is a substantial challenge. Toxic order flow refers to trading strategies that consistently pick off delayed quotes, exploiting slower market participants. This can create an adversarial environment with liquidity providers (LPs), as they generally disfavor arbitrage tactics. To address this, advanced AI techniques can be deployed. For instance, AI algorithms can analyze trading patterns to identify and flag potential toxic flows. By evaluating the historical performance and behavior of trades, these algorithms can discern between predatory and genuine trades, allowing us to adjust our strategies accordingly.

Latency Control: A Critical Factor in HFT
Latency issues pose another significant challenge in HFT. The speed at which an order is executed can greatly impact its profitability. To mitigate latency risks, our system is designed with cutting-edge AI that monitors live trading logs. This enables real-time adjustments to our trading strategies based on the performance of our LPs.

AI-Driven Latency Management: A Case Study
Consider a scenario where an LP is experiencing delays in reporting filled orders. Our AI system, through constant monitoring of live order logs, can detect such delays. Upon detection, the AI algorithm would automatically exclude the lagging LP’s prices from our quoting mechanism and shift to the next best available LP. This ensures that we are always quoting prices based on the most current and reliable market data.

Algorithmic Precision in Order Management
Our algorithmic approach to order management is uniquely designed to handle the intricacies of HFT. Here’s a breakdown of how our system operates:

  1. Dynamic Quote Adjustment: Based on the liquidity provided by LPs, our system dynamically adjusts the quotes. This includes setting a specific time frame or expiry for each quote.
  2. Instant Fill or Kill Mechanism: Orders are executed on an ‘instant fill or kill’ basis at the exchange, depending on the LP’s quote. This ensures that we are not left holding positions at unprofitable prices.
  3. Proactive Quote Withdrawal: Prior to the expiry of a quote, if there is any indication of latency or other issues with an LP, our system proactively withdraws the quote to prevent execution at outdated prices.

Advanced Algorithmic Integration with OMS Our Order Management System (OMS) is equipped with sophisticated algorithms, bolstered by AI capabilities. These algorithms are not only programmed to read live logs and adjust trading strategies in real-time but also to predict and pre-empt potential issues based on historical data analysis. This integration ensures a seamless, efficient, and profitable trading experience, minimizing risks associated with latency and toxic order flows.

Conclusion: Setting New Standards in HFT with AI-Enhanced Algorithms Our approach to HFT is not just about trading fast; it’s about trading smart. By incorporating advanced AI techniques into our algorithmic strategies, we can effectively manage the challenges of toxic order flow and latency. This positions us uniquely in the market, allowing us to maintain profitability while fostering good relationships with LPs. Sharing these insights, we aim to contribute to the collective knowledge of the HFT community, inviting collaboration and innovation for continued advancement in this fast-paced trading domain.

Join Us on Our Journey in High-Frequency Trading

As we wrap up our insights into high-frequency trading, we invite you to join our ongoing journey. If you find our content informative and insightful, please consider following our page and showing your support with a like. Your engagement and feedback are crucial in driving our collective progress in this dynamic field. Let’s continue to share knowledge and innovate together in the world of high-frequency trading




Mahmood Riaz

Over a decade expe in HFT developed an innovative system with my quantech team has fueled our passion for sharing our experience with others . Join us ..