Refugee VS The American Dream

Mark Mahmood
3 min readSep 1, 2021


Mark Mahmood

“When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe, then you’ll be successful.” ~Eric Thomas

Mark Mahmood arrived in the United States in February 2010 as a refugee from Iraq after spending three years applying to a United Nations refugee program. He came armed with a few dollars in his pocket, limited knowledge of the American culture, and few English words. Mark settled in Tampa, Florida, and every day, he set out on foot in search of employment. Through many disappointments and discouragement, Mark persevered until someone offered him a job. However, he needed a vehicle. Mark went to the Lutheran services office and asked for assistance with getting a driver’s license. The caseworker provided Mark with the book he needed to study and scheduled an exam and driving test within the next 24 hours. They would take him one time. Mark was told if he failed, he would have to retake it on his own. After spending the day and night studying, Mark went to the DMV, passed his test and received his license. He borrowed money for a used car and started his first job in April 2010 as a delivery driver for a Chinese restaurant. Mark earned $3.12 an hour. Mark stuck with the job until he secured another as a sales associate that paid $7.25 an hour.

Mark continued searching for better opportunities and was offered a temporary position with one of the Fortune 500 companies: Quest Diagnostics Lab. Three months later, Mark applied for a permanent job with the company. Upon being interviewed, the hiring supervisor asked him where he saw himself in the next five years. Mark replied, “In your position.”

On the last day of his temporary contract Mark, emotional and sure he would need to move on, discovered his confidence had paid off. He was given a letter of offer and a hearty congratulation. That day Mark left the building, yelling and crying as if he’d won a million dollars. As Will Smith said in the movie The Pursuit of Happiness, “You got a dream. You got to protect it. When people cannot do something themselves, they are going to tell you you cannot do it. You want something, go get it. Period.” Mark believed the sentiment with his whole heart and allowed no obstacle to stand between him and his dreams.

By 2013 Mark was promoted to a team lead position. In 2016 to a group leader, and in 2018 to a supervisor role. He was nominated for and won the inspirational leadership award in the same year. In 2020 Mark finished his MBA degree with a 3.8 GPA and entered a doctoral program at Northcentral University. He took a job offer as a project manager in a telecommunication company with a six-digit salary. Mark has successfully helped dozens of people find jobs or improve their careers. This has gone a long way in fulfilling the promise Mark made to himself to aid his community and help enhance other’s potentials.

Mark feels he reflects the quote by Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu who said, “Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime.”

Driven by his passion for helping others, Mark began writing and published his book “Cryptocurrency — The ultimate guide from A-Z” in 2021. He firmly believes knowledge is to be shared to benefit everyone. Mark wished to write a book that would change the world and inspire others to fight for their dreams, no matter their struggle. As Eric Thomas said, “Pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually, it will subside, and something else will take its place. If I quit, however, it lasts forever.”

