Understanding Strong and Weak References in Kotlin

Mahmoud ElFouly
2 min readApr 17, 2024


As Android developer, efficiently managing memory is essential to ensure smooth performance and prevent memory leaks in our applications. Kotlin provides us with various ways to handle object references, including strong and weak references. In this article, we will explore how references work, what strong and weak references are, and how to use them effectively in Kotlin.

Understanding References

In Kotlin, a reference is essentially a variable that holds the memory address of an object. When you create an object in Kotlin, a reference to that object is automatically created. This allows you to access and manipulate the object’s properties and methods through the reference variable.

Here’s an example:

Open in Playground the see the whole output.

Strong References

When you create an object in Kotlin, you are using a strong reference by default. A strong reference keeps the object alive as long as the reference to it exists. If there are no more strong references to an object, it becomes eligible for garbage collection.

Here’s an example:

class Person(val name: String)

fun main() {
val person = Person("Mahmoud")
println(person.name) // Output: Mahmoud

In the above example, the person object has a strong reference, keeping it alive until the end of the main() function.

Weak References

On the other hand, weak reference allows the object it references to be garbage collected when there are no more strong references to it. Weak references are useful when you want to prevent memory leaks by holding references to objects that should be garbage collected when not in use.

Here’s an example:

Open in Playground the see the whole output.

In the above example, We use WeakReference to hold weak references to Parent and Child objects.
After creating the objects, we print them and then force garbage collection using System.gc() to see the effect of weak references.


Understanding strong and weak references is essential for efficient memory management in Kotlin. While strong references keep objects alive as long as they are referenced, weak references allow objects to be garbage collected when not in use, helping to prevent memory leaks in our Android applications.

By using weak references appropriately, we can optimize memory usage and ensure smooth performance in our Kotlin-based Android projects.

