The Physics of Scroll Views in Flutter: Overview Guide

Mahmoud Saleh
3 min readAug 28, 2023

Flutter, a beloved framework for creating beautiful cross-platform apps, offers a range of widgets that make UI creation both fun and expressive. One such widget is the ScrollView, and if you've worked with it, you'll notice that it comes with various physics properties that can dictate its behavior. This article will delve into the different types of scroll physics available in Flutter.’

1. ClampingScrollPhysics:

This is the default physics for most scroll views on Android. It allows scrolling beyond the edge of the content but then clamps (or stops) the scroll attempt, showing a glow indication at the edge to signal the user they’ve reached the end.

When to use: Primarily when developing for Android to give users a familiar scrolling experience.

physics: ClampingScrollPhysics(),
children: /* Your children here */,

2. BouncingScrollPhysics:

Typical for iOS, this physics type allows the content to scroll beyond the edge and then bounces back. It gives that characteristic “rubber band” effect you often see on Apple devices.

When to use: For an iOS-like scrolling experience or when you want your content to bounce back upon over scrolling.

physics: BouncingScrollPhysics(),
children: /* Your children here */,

3. NeverScrollableScrollPhysics:

As the name suggests, this physics type will prevent the content from being scrolled. It’s useful in situations where you might embed a scroll view within another or when you want the content to be static.

When to use: In nested scrolling scenarios where you want to disable scrolling for an inner scroll view, or when displaying content that should remain static.

physics: NeverScrollableScrollPhysics(),
children: /* Your children here */,

4. AlwaysScrollableScrollPhysics:

Even if the content inside your scroll view is not large enough to scroll, this physics type will always display the over scroll indication when the user tries to scroll.

When to use: If you want to show an over scroll indicator even when the content isn’t large enough to scroll.

physics: AlwaysScrollableScrollPhysics(),
children: /* Your children here */,

5. FixedExtentScrollPhysics:

This is typically used with the ListWheelScrollView, which lets users scroll through a list of items where each item snaps into place. It provides a "picker" or "wheel" feel when scrolling.

When to use: When you have a list of items and you want each item to snap into place during scrolling. Commonly used with ListWheelScrollView.

physics: FixedExtentScrollPhysics(),
children: /* Your children here */,

6. PageScrollPhysics:

Used with the PageView widget, it gives a paging effect, where each child of the scroll view becomes a "page" that snaps into place, ensuring only one child is central and fully visible at a time.

When to use: In situations where you want to display content as pages, especially with PageView. Each child snaps into place and ensures a single page view at a time.

physics: PageScrollPhysics(),
children: /* Your children here */,

Mixing and Customizing Scroll Physics:

What’s fantastic about Flutter’s design is that you can combine multiple physics types to create custom behaviors. For instance, if you want the clamping behavior of Android but with a touch of iOS’s bounce, you can combine ClampingScrollPhysics with BouncingScrollPhysics.

physics: BouncingScrollPhysics(parent: ClampingScrollPhysics()),
children: /* Your children here */,

This custom combination gives a unique experience of both clamping and bouncing.


Scroll physics in Flutter provides an intuitive way to customize the scroll behavior of widgets, making user interactions feel natural, smooth, and tailored to specific platform conventions. Whether you’re aiming for the familiar bounce of iOS, the clamping of Android, or even a combination, Flutter has you covered. Experiment with these physics types to discover the best user experience for your app!



Mahmoud Saleh

Software Engineer and skilled Mobile Developer with +3 years of experience in Flutter Mobile App Development.