Mahmud Sabiu
4 min readJul 5, 2024

The Power of Forgiveness: A Lesson from Nelson Mandela

Subtitle: A Story of Strength and Compassion

"Great leaders are those who choose reconciliation over revenge." - Masibwrites

Nelson Mandela’s life is filled with powerful lessons about courage, resilience, and the transformative power of forgiveness. One story, in particular, stands out as a testament to his character and his unwavering commitment to reconciliation. This story, involving a warden from the prison where Mandela was once held, offers profound insights into the nature of forgiveness and the strength it takes to seek peace over revenge.

The Story of Nelson Mandela and the Warden
After I became president, I asked my escort to go to a restaurant for lunch. We sat down and each of us asked what we wanted.
On the front table, there was a man waiting to be served. When he was served, I said to one of my soldiers: go and ask that gentleman to join us. The soldier went and conveyed my invitation to him. The man got up, took his plate, and sat down right next to me.
While he ate, his hands trembled constantly and he did not lift his head from his food. When we finished, he said goodbye without looking at me, I shook his hand, and he left.

The soldier told me: "Madiba, that man must have been very ill, seeing as his hands didn't stop shaking while he ate." Absolutely no! The reason for his trembling is another.

Then I told him: "That man was the warden of the prison where I stayed. After he tortured me, I screamed and cried asking for some water and he came, humiliated me, laughed at me, and instead of giving me water, he urinated on my head.
He is not sick; he was afraid that I, now president of South Africa, would send him to prison and do to him what he did to me. But I'm not like that; this conduct is not part of my character, nor of my ethics.
Minds that seek revenge destroy states, while those that seek reconciliation build nations. Walking out the door to my freedom, I knew that if I didn't leave all the anger, hatred, and resentment behind me, I would still be a prisoner."

Lessons from Mandela’s Story
The Strength of Forgiveness: Mandela’s ability to forgive someone who had caused him immense pain shows a level of personal strength and integrity that is truly inspirational. Forgiveness is not about condoning the wrong done to us but about freeing ourselves from the chains of resentment. Mandela’s choice to forgive rather than seek revenge demonstrates a profound inner strength and a deep commitment to personal and national healing.

The Power of Reconciliation
Mandela’s actions were not just about personal forgiveness but about the broader goal of national reconciliation. His conduct helped to heal a nation deeply divided by apartheid. Reconciliation requires courage and the ability to see beyond personal grievances to the greater good. Mandela’s example shows how reconciliation can transform societies and foster lasting peace.

Leaving Hatred Behind
Mandela’s decision to leave behind anger, hatred, and resentment as he walked to freedom is a powerful reminder of the prison these emotions can create within us. Holding onto negative emotions can keep us trapped in the past, preventing us from moving forward and living fully. Mandela’s story encourages us to let go of these burdens to truly experience freedom and peace.

Applying Mandela’s Lessons in Our Lives
Personal Forgiveness: Consider the grudges and resentments you may hold in your own life. Forgiveness is a process that takes time, but it is a gift you give to yourself. Start by acknowledging your feelings and then work towards letting go of the anger. Seek understanding and empathy, and remember that forgiveness does not mean forgetting but rather choosing to move forward.

Building a Better Community
Applying Mandela’s principles can help us build stronger, more compassionate communities. Empathy and understanding are key to overcoming personal and societal conflicts. By prioritizing reconciliation over revenge, we can foster environments where healing and growth are possible. This not only benefits individuals but also strengthens the fabric of our society.

Nelson Mandela’s story of forgiveness and reconciliation offers invaluable lessons for all of us. His example shows that true strength lies in our ability to forgive and seek peace, even in the face of profound injustice. By applying these principles in our own lives, we can move past our grievances, build stronger communities, and live more fulfilling lives.

Call to Action: Reflect on Mandela’s story and consider how you can apply its lessons in your own life and let’s inspire each other to choose forgiveness and reconciliation over anger and revenge.

"True freedom comes when we leave behind anger, hatred, and resentment." - Masibwrites

Mahmud Sabiu

Effective Freelance Writer, Season Geographer Specialist, Cabin Crew Member, Researcher, Problem-Solver. Passionate about crafting engaging & quality contents.