Eat that Frog with a Pomodoro Technique🐸

3 min readAug 26, 2021


What is Pomodoro Technique:

Pomodoro Technique is a time management technique in which we use our time properly. Using this method you break your work day into 25 minut chunks separately by 5 minute break. These intervals are referred to as Pomodoros.

Steps of Pomodoro Technique:

My poromodo Technique:

First of all, I set my task that I would clean my bookshelf and set a alarm of 25 minutes on my mobile phone. And start to clean my bookshelf . After the 25 minutes , I done almost clean 2 shelf’s of my books. After that I take a short break of 5 minutes during this break I eat lays, bubbles etc .and then I put a one star on my notes pad of mobile.

I repeated this steps 4 times and I eat some energetic fruits, drinking chye and scroll down of social media, also draw the 4 stars on my mobile pad or at the end of time , I almost completely done of my task . Then I took a long break almost 30 to 45 minutes and refresh myself Gup Shup with Ama and sister.

Time is the only capital that any human being has, and the only thing he can’t afford to lose.

Is this Experience is difficult for me or not:

I do not face any problem regarding this Technique. but I enjoyed more when I complete my task within time which are set on my alarm, and I saved almost one and half of myself and feel very happy and relax because this work is very difficult or hard for me but thanks to Amal for introduce me with this technique . inshaALLAH I Will do all work with proper time.

There’s the only one thing more precious than our time and that’s who we spend it on.

I will continue this technique in my life and do all work with super amazing technique, I am sure that it will be very helpful for me in every work of daily as well as weekly routine.

One day we will be more creative, more productive and yet more relaxed — Francesco Cirillo .

Many thanks for introducing me to this super amazing technique😍

JazakALLAH khaira 💕

