Power is gained by sharing knowledge not hoarding it.

Mahnoor 54
2 min readJan 5, 2018


If you have knowledge about something then let others light their candles in it. Never worry about numbers help one person at a time and always start with person nearest you. By sharing you would never be deficient of your knowledge but it makes you even more knowledgeable. Learning process continues throughout our life and we should share our knowledge with others, we do not know at which part of others life that small piece of knowledge or advice could be of great help. An honest advice is like a mandate, it should be given same like we are having “Amanat” and we have to transfer it as it is.

The decision of being at Amal Academy is one of the best decisions I have ever made in my life, a very skilful HR person Sohail sahab let me know very useful tips on “How to manage and maximize your career”. I shared my knowledge with my very close cousin Humna Saleem. She have completed her Masters and is a little bit confused on either to continue the studies or to have a job. We had a 2 hour meeting in this concern actually a light mood tea party. I let her know how much it is important to first join an internship program in her concerned field and find out your areas of potential and you really do not need to start PhD if you want to go in an organization, hospital or social welfare. Just select the path which you like the most and know your potentials because others can never analyze and tell what you actually wants to be and own your decision take its responsibility your self and never back off, try different paths if you fails in one.

Just start up by training and after knowing the area you are most interested at and avail whenever you get a job opportunity. I advice her to at least stay there for an year if you do not like that organization. It was a really positive and healthy conversation.

It was an incredible experience to meet someone who really needs your counselling and sharing your valuable knowledge with her. It not only helps the other person to have a proper path, but a positive discussion also increases our own knowledge. We both exchanged feedback on our flaws and how to fix them up. “The more you share the more you learn”

