Mahnoor Fatima
3 min readFeb 3, 2020

Why highly Intelligent People are so Weird?

Have you ever met few genius persons in your life & thought why are the way they’re? They are weird, alone, different & very complex to understand.

In my recent job, I have met some incredibly genius peoples from around Pakistan, they are top world class researchers in Computing Domain, but they are very weird & different!

I researched on them after my working hours and came to following conclusion:

“It is strange to be known so universally and yet to be so lonely.” — Albert Einstein

They are that way because they are genius like Albert Einstein who studied the whole universe for e=mc² but still was not sure if he has enough knowledge about the universe.

When you know the reality of life , people & relationships , you get to know how shallow all of us are who are just running towards material things like jobs, promotions,marriage, not knowing if we will be able to see tommorow!

But It’s a well known fact that nobody is perfect. We’re all good at certain things and not so great at others. The most athletic kid in your high school as at that time was probably not the brightest, and I’m betting same was the case vice versa. I believe that’s just nature’s way of balancing the equation — making us all need each other for different things. After all, no man is an island… right?

Geniuses know how much Geniuses don’t know

Have you ever heard of the Dunning-Kruger Effect? If you haven’t come across the term before, you have definitely experienced the principle. It’s a psychological rule that states; it’s the most incompetent who are the most confident, while the intelligent ones doubt their own abilities. Put simply, dumb people are too dumb to know how dumb they are. Smart people are clever enough to know how much they don’t know.

Also they don’t like socializing as per Washington post:

“Those with more intelligence and the capacity to use it… are less likely to spend so much time socializing because they are focused on some other longer-term objective.”

People expect too much from genius peoples

When you’re the smart kid in the room / in the family, everyone expects a lot from you, your expectations are very different from those who are lesser genius than you’re. It puts a lot of pressure on you — Peer Pressure! Which wants you to think if you’re performing well? if you’re performing up to the mark?

Genius People get bored very easily

Prioritizing all the great ideas they constantly come up with is a big problem for me. The moment a project, relationship, or person stops stimulating my brain, I’m done. Ready to move on to the next challenge. This is the main reason I rarely follow through with things and most of my relationships suffer.


As far as I’m concerned, things are never as they appear to be. I read between every line and then the lines in-between those. It’s extremely exhausting but I can’t help it.

We are widely misunderstood

It’s difficult finding people who understand me as a person and the burdens I carry. That’s why there’s an automatic emotional and mental connection when I meet people who are in some way similar to myself.


Genius people try to avoid unsatisfactory feelings by hanging out in our their imagination most of the time. they have perspective which is completely different from that of others. People find it hard to understand them, and that’s because they’re a very niche group. They’re simply not used to our type.

We all have our own major flaws. The most important thing is that you know what they are and continue to work on them.