How Can You Activate the Driving Feminine Energy Within?

Sometimes women’s feminine energy gets wounded due to worldly things, but you can heal it with the right strategies.

Mahnoor Chaudhry
4 min readApr 16, 2024
Photo by Julia Caesar on Unsplash

Femininity is a woman’s identity, and every woman must be aware of her feminine energy. Your feminine energy is what connects your inner side to your outer side. Sometimes women’s feminine energy gets wounded due to worldly things, but you can heal it with the right strategies. In fact, I believe that women should consistently and eagerly focus on feminine energy (which means femininity).

“Ladies, if your sensuality is not constantly growing and expanding, the taste of your womanhood will gradually not only become familiar and uninteresting, but ultimately it will be stale and repulsive as dry bread.”― Lebo Grand

Let me share various ways you can activate the driving feminine energy within yourself and find a harmonious balance with the masculine energy.

Let’s get started!

1. Connect with Your Intuition

What does it mean to connect with your intuition?

To understand this, let me first explain what intuition is. In simple words, intuition is your inner voice. It’s your gut feeling and a sense that makes you realise something immediately without any conscious reasoning or analytical thinking.

Feminine energy has a connection with intuition, or, as you can say, the inner voice. You have to align your inner self with your bodily self.

“Ladies, nothing is more important than to be in your sensual feminine vibe.”― Lebo Grand

To connect with your intuitions, you must do:

#1. Meditation

The best way to meditate is to spend time with yourself. Sit in a silent place, listen to your inner voice, and align your mind, body, and heart in one place. Meditation helps you gain clarity and insight about yourself.

#2. Journaling

Journaling is just amazing. Journaling is one of the best ways to process your feelings. It helps you understand your feelings, emotions, and intuitions. It aligns your feelings with your thought process. You can write down the things that you can’t say verbally.

2. Embrace Your Emotions

Women are made in such a way that they are always deep, sensitive, and sensible. Your emotions are a part of your feminine energy. Fully embrace your emotions. Feel your emotions. Allow yourself to fully experience your emotions, whether they are joy, sadness, or anger.

To embrace your emotions to the fullest, you should:

#1. Express Your Emotions Freely

Whatever emotional changes are happening within you, you can share them with trusted friends, family members, or a person close to your heart. You must share with a trusted one and with a person who respects and understands your emotions.

#2. Release Your Emotions

Don't bind your emotions inside your body. Don’t keep them within you because it will create a wound inside. Release your emotions by crying, dancing, singing, or whatever you love doing. (📌 Make sure you are healthily releasing your emotions).

3. Find Out Your Creative Self

Women are genetically made creative; thus, feminine energy is creative and inherently creative. Nurture your creativity to activate your feminine energy. To activate this energy, embrace your creativity and allow it to flow.

What can you do to nurture your creativity?

#1. Try New Hobbies

Get out of your monotonous, boring schedules. Get involved in new things. Explore and try new hobbies. For me, painting, writing, and preparing my favourite food work out. Find out what works for you.

#2. Spend Time in Nature

I love nature. In fact, there wouldn’t be anybody on earth who does not love nature. Nature is free therapy. Nature can inspire creativity and connect you with the nurturing aspect of feminine energy.

Wrapping it Up

There are a lot of things that can activate one’s feminine energy. Certain things work for all women in common, and some things work for some but not for others. Find out what works for you and try different things. Keep your femininity alive within you because it is your beauty and identity as a woman. The ways I have shared will help activate the driving feminine energy within you, so you can cultivate a sense of balance and harmony in your life. This energy can guide you to live more authentically and connect with others on a deeper level. work with everyone because these are integral domains and are directly linked with feminine energy.

What do you do to activate your feminine energy?

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Mahnoor Chaudhry

I write what I feel, think, and believe. I write about my perception of Femininity, Gratefulness, Positivity, Happiness and Spirituality, Healing and Nature🌷🕊