Mahnor Faisal
3 min readOct 8, 2023

YOLO V8: Working Principle, Variants, and Comparison with Previous Versions

YOLO V8 is the latest version of the popular YOLO object detection algorithm. It was released in 2023 and offers significant improvements over previous versions in terms of accuracy, speed, and robustness.

Working Principle of YOLO V8

YOLO V8 is a single-stage object detection algorithm. This means that it detects objects in an image in a single forward pass through the network. This is in contrast to two-stage object detection algorithms, which require multiple forward passes through the network to detect objects.

YOLO V8 works by first dividing the input image into a grid of cells. For each cell, the network predicts a set of bounding boxes and their corresponding class probabilities. The bounding boxes are then filtered to remove overlapping and low-confidence predictions.

One of the key innovations of YOLO V8 is its use of a new network architecture called EfficientDet. EfficientDet is a lightweight and efficient network architecture that is specifically designed for object detection. It uses a number of techniques to reduce the computational cost of object detection, such as depth-wise separable convolutions and inverted residual blocks.

Another key innovation of YOLO V8 is its use of a new loss function called SIoU-Loss. SIoU-Loss is a loss function that is specifically designed for object detection. It penalizes the network for predicting bounding boxes that are too large or too small, and for predicting bounding boxes that are not well-aligned with the ground truth bounding boxes.

Variants of YOLO V8

YOLO V8 is available in three variants: YOLO V8-S, YOLO V8-M, and YOLO V8-L. The three variants differ in terms of their size, speed, and accuracy.

YOLO V8-S is the smallest and fastest variant of YOLO V8. It is suitable for applications where speed is more important than accuracy, such as real-time object detection in videos.

YOLO V8-M is a medium-sized variant of YOLO V8. It offers a good balance between speed and accuracy, making it suitable for a wide range of applications.

YOLO V8-L is the largest and most accurate variant of YOLO V8. It is suitable for applications where accuracy is of the utmost importance, such as medical imaging and security applications.

Comparison with Previous Versions of YOLO

YOLO V8 offers a number of advantages over previous versions of YOLO, including:

Improved accuracy: YOLO V8 is the most accurate YOLO algorithm to date. It achieves state-of-the-art accuracy on a number of benchmark datasets.

Improved speed: YOLO V8 is also faster than previous versions of YOLO. It is able to detect objects in real time on most devices.

Improved robustness: YOLO V8 is more robust to variations in lighting and occlusion than previous versions of YOLO. This makes it more suitable for real-world applications.

Applications of YOLO V8

YOLO V8 can be used for a wide range of applications, including:

Real-time object detection in videos: YOLO V8 can be used to detect objects in real time in videos, such as in video surveillance systems and self-driving cars.

Image search: YOLO V8 can be used to index images based on their content, making it easier to search for images in large databases.

Medical imaging: YOLO V8 can be used to detect diseases and abnormalities in medical images, such as X-rays and MRI scans.

Security applications: YOLO V8 can be used to detect weapons and other dangerous objects in security applications, such as at airports and train stations.


YOLO V8 is a powerful and versatile object detection algorithm. It offers significant improvements over previous versions of YOLO in terms of accuracy, speed, and robustness. YOLO V8 can be used for a wide range of applications, including real-time object detection in videos, image search, medical imaging, and security applications.