Unlocking Web Automation Excellence with Playwright

Mahrukh Khalid
3 min readOct 12, 2023


In the fast-paced world of web development, automation is a crucial element for ensuring the quality and reliability of web applications. Enter Playwright, a powerful open-source automation framework developed by Microsoft that has taken the web automation scene by storm. This article delves into what Playwright is, its capabilities, and how it is revolutionizing web automation

Embracing Playwright in Development and Testing

As web development and testing continue to evolve, Playwright has firmly established itself as an essential tool for modern web developers and quality assurance professionals. Its cross-browser support, versatility, and powerful capabilities have made it a favorite in the industry for various applications:

  • Web Testing: Playwright simplifies and enhances the testing of web applications across different browsers, ensuring consistent performance and functionality.
  • Web Scraping: Developers and data scientists can harness Playwright’s automation capabilities for data extraction from websites, providing a robust foundation for data-driven decision-making.
  • Web Automation: Whether it’s automating repetitive tasks, monitoring web page changes, or creating sophisticated web interactions, Playwright is the tool of choice.

Installing Playwright

  • Install Playwright: To install Playwright, run the following command in your project’s directory:
npm init playwright@latest
  • After running this command, you will be prompted to configure your Playwright project. You can follow these steps:
  1. Choose Your Language: Select either TypeScript or JavaScript as your preferred language. The default option is TypeScript.
  2. Tests Folder Name: Specify the name of the folder where you want to store your test files. The default name is “tests” unless you already have a “tests” folder in your project, in which case it defaults to “e2e.”
  3. GitHub Actions Workflow: Decide whether you want to add a GitHub Actions workflow to make it easier to run your tests on a Continuous Integration (CI) pipeline. You can choose “yes” or “no” based on your requirements.
  4. Install Playwright Browsers: Indicate whether you want to install Playwright browsers. The default choice is “true.” This step installs the necessary browser engines (Chromium, Firefox, and WebKit) for your Playwright project.

Running the Example Test

To run the example test run this command

npx playwright test

HTML Test Reports

After running your tests, Playwright automatically generates a detailed HTML report. This report can be filtered by various criteria, such as browsers, passed, failed, skipped, and flaky tests. You can click on individual tests to view errors and a step-by-step breakdown. If any tests fail, the HTML report is opened automatically for quick issue diagnosis and resolution. It’s a powerful tool for optimizing your web application testing process.

npx playwright show-report
HTML Report

Running the Example Test in UI Mode

To enhance the developer experience and access features like time travel debugging and watch mode, run your tests in UI Mode. This provides a more interactive and efficient testing environment

npx playwright test --ui
UI of Playwright

In Conclusion

Playwright’s emergence as a robust web automation framework has redefined the way web developers and testers work. Its cross-browser compatibility, multiple programming language support, reliability, and rich automation capabilities make it a go-to tool in the web development toolkit. As the web continues to evolve, Playwright stands as a trusted companion in ensuring web applications are robust, reliable, and high-performing.

In a landscape where automation is king, Playwright reigns supreme, and its kingdom continues to expand as developers and testers embrace its capabilities to unlock web automation excellence.

