
Mai Alhaj
1 min readNov 25, 2016

love brings a little bit happiness and alot of pain …

When love used to open our hearts innocently we would welcome as a cheerful thing, but painfully being victims was the aftermath of giving it the absolute right to destroy our aspirations of living trustfully in.

When we went for those fake moments to find the truth within , actually only disappointment was the outcome of becoming less experienced.

When we thought that reaching happiness requires to apply the fabled love stories that only exist in the fantasy novels .

When truly we linked cheerfulness to persons ,our abilities to make happy ourselves were stolen.

Those shy smiles were wronged by whom used to look at without figuring out that they were for the sake of love and happiness.
That one-sided yearning was scattered on the ground of those cruel encounters

At the end everything could bring pure happiness should be adopted but not love because it brings a little bit happiness and alot of pain..

