
2 min readMar 14, 2020


I correspond this with the 1974 Blaxploitation horror film, Abby. This film covers how the protagonist, Abby, is demonically possesed by a Igbo sex spirit, This possesion causes Abby to engage in demonic like atttiudes and frenied sex with male victims. The scenes where Abby is passed, she loses control of her mind, and body. Another theme to explore is bound.Similarly with Norah, both women face physical, mental state of arrest and suppression. An interesting commentary to consider, the pattern for the victim who is usually possessed cross culturally, is woman. Though it does happen, women are more likely to be victims. I contest, like the film Abby, it was a metaphor for the inferior placement women have in society. The movie also incorporates caricatures and stereotypes about black people. The stereotypes surrounding blackness is criminality, hyperseuxiality, illiteracy. Abby is unforunatnely a overly hypersexualized. She also serves as an intersection as women. In Abby, we see the buffoonery with African animinstic religion such that of voodoo. It is portrayed as satanic and witchcraft. The use of Chrsitianity to cast out the sex crazed demon also speaks of the White Superamcy framework. To explain, Chrsitiantiy was used as a tool to colonize the world. Africa was colonized and converted to Chrsitainitys even in the Pacific region. Now, Chrsitianity is synonymous as being the true divinity religion. It’s quite pervasive. This is problematic because it dismisses and villanizes other opposing religions and cultures. This is the effect of the Eurocentric framework we all live in. Abby was criticized for the plagiarizing context it had from the infamous horror cult film: The Exorcist. What I learned from class, is that if a black horror film flops, such that of Beloved in the box office, it’s extremely hard for future black filmmakers to put their foot in Hollywood. The storyline was lowkey weak and with no substance. I did not understand how the release of the spirit all the way from Africa was able to transfer and directly come to the United States. There was no correlation. From this I muster, how sometimes in our families how actions of some family members can negatively affect future generations. It became a metaphor for generational curses. I think that’s what it meant. Or it was poorly scripted. Another script I did not like was how the spirit that was possessing Abby, turned out to be a fake, copy cat spirit. This was not a good direction. It was rudimentary, it’s like there was no connection and made the film pointless, because that’s what we were led to believe. This movie is appreciated for featuring an all black cast and their presence in upholding and trailblazing the horror genre. Plus, the actress who plays Abby is gorgeous. Black don’t crack!

