How I hit 300 pushups everyday

2 min readAug 4, 2022


You can do it too!

Photo by Keiji Yoshiki from Pexels:

I have a really simple technique. It works even better if you work remote.

When I first started, I would average about ~ 30–40 pushups, and after maximizing out, I would be gassed out. My reps would be 3–5’s each attempt. I wanted to increase my max so that I could compete at MaxReps for the FitExpo. To do this, I knew I needed to take more rest time and perform the exercise more frequently.

What I did was schedule a 5–10 minute window and do pushups until failure. After two hours, I would schedule another 5–10 minute window either doing pushups to failure or doing 3 pushups every minute. By the end of the day, I had reached around 150 pushups. If you are committed, an eight hour shift should grant you at least 4 sets of 15 push-ups on a 5 minute window (60 pushups).

You may be thinking…that’s 10 sets of pushups or 8, depending how many you maxed out on your first set!

Throughout the day, I would become more comfortable with pushups and be able to push past 3 pushups every minute or continue to do pushups to failure. I would shorten my window to 5 minutes to be more efficient with my time. Sometimes, I would change the variation of the pushup.

My only warning if you’re starting to do this, is not to perform it every day. After a few months, I started to develop a form of tendinitis in my elbow. It went away after a few months, and I was able to do 60–70 pushups in one set. However if I just took some rest days, I am certain that I would have been able to get farther and avoid tendinitis.

