Maik Wiedenbach
3 min readJan 5, 2017


There is no shortcut for success; you must work hard if you wish to achieve success in life. Whether it’s your personal life or fitness aspiration, you must know some key rules to get the best results.

What is the difference between who achieve results and who only want them, but never accomplish them? How do some people transform their body, get strong and become an example for the entire fitness lover? How do some people are successful in living a beautiful life while other stands in awe of the seemingly radical transformation? Whether you are doing on your own or hiring some personal trainer NYC, you should focus on your goals to achieve desired goals.

From transforming your body to revamping your life, here are some tips you can apply to anything to achieve your desired goals:

1. Start somewhere: You get the best when you step out of your comfort zone. You can’t achieve a well toned muscular body if you only dream it. Every journey begins with the first step, so you also have to start somewhere.

Set small and reasonable goals. Put in the work, even when you don’t feel like. Remember an expert was once a beginner, so be positive and enthusiast for your goals, and one day definitely you will make it. We always dream for a perfect body but when the actual day come we start finding excuses not go the gym. Leave your slothfulness and make yourself mentally and physically fit to start an exercise. It can be difficult in the beginning but the final result will be unbelievable. Believe in your exercise ability and don’t give up. The more you pain the more you gain.

2. Do something which makes you happy: If exercise is a new thing for you, don’t panic and take it easy. Do something you actually like. If you hate crunches, then don’t do them. Exercise supposed to be fun and make you feel good about yourself, not the other way around.

No matter how good you are in the gym, but if you are not enjoying your workout, the surely you won’t be doing it for long. Try to find out what’s the thing which makes you feel comfortable and happy while exercise- try a new class or ask your friends what they like doing. Indulge yourself in different exercise, who knows maybe you find yourself enjoying some particular exercise. Experiment to find the best fit.

3. Workout smartly: Those who get success in achieving the perfect shape knows the difference between “what has to be one and what can be done.” Don’t waste your time and effort in doing wrong exercise. Examine your results, take feedback from your friends and make slight, smart modification to continue your progress. Don’t discrete and focus on the things that must be done. Nothing is impossible; it’s your actions which make the difference, so chose wisely.

4. Be with one who motivates you: You are known by the company you keep, you can’t expect a positive life if you hang out with negative people. Motivation is one of the important factors in fitness to achieve your goals. You can bring your friends whom with you feel positive and begin your fitness journey. A good fitness trainer can also motivate you to fulfill your fitness goals. It will increase your chances for success and you’ll have more fun.

5. Stop complaining: “I can’t do it” or “it’s not my cup of tea” or “the time isn’t right” are all complaints that make you negative about your goals. Complaining is another form of procrastination, Take action instead of complaining. Find out what’s the thing which is irritating or misleading you from your goals. Then immediately do something that leads you towards your goal.



Maik Wiedenbach

Personal Fitness Trainer, Maik Wiedenbach Personal Training