I Was a Green Tea Skeptic Until I Tried Handcrafted Organic Green Tea

Rajashree Purkayastha
3 min readApr 3, 2023


Discover the life-changing effects of handcrafted organic green tea: Personal story.

A year ago, I was a skeptic when it came to green tea. I had never been a fan of the taste and couldn’t understand why people raved about its health benefits. However, everything changed when I was diagnosed with stress-related health issues.

When I was diagnosed with chronic stress

For seven long months, I felt like a prisoner to my own body. Heavy periods that lasted 15–20 days left me exhausted and anxious. I sought help from medical professionals, but even they were stumped. Then, just as I was about to get some answers, the second wave of Covid hit, disrupting everything.

Feeling hopeless, I turned to homeopathy, a trusted ally in my past battles against health issues. But this time, even my go-to remedy couldn’t provide the relief I desperately needed. I felt lost and alone in my struggle. I felt defeated and scared. How could I overcome this strange and debilitating condition? Moreover, people around me gave me the scare of cancer or menopause.

It wasn’t until after the pandemic’s peak that I could finally see a specialist. After several tests, it was confirmed: my condition resulted from chronic psychological stress. It was a tough pill to swallow but also a wake-up call.

I knew I needed to change my lifestyle to improve my physical and mental health. Then I started practising yoga, meditation, and drinking green tea.

Today, one aspect of my life where I can score 100% is my health.

My affair with green tea

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At first, I was hesitant to try green tea again. I had memories of bitter and unpleasant tea from my past experiences. But, I decided to give it another chance and purchased organic handmade green tea from my cousin’s family tea garden in Assam.

After drinking green tea for 5 months, I started noticing changes in my body and mind. I lost weight, my face started glowing, and I felt more energized and focused throughout the day. I was surprised by how much of an impact such a simple change could make.

The best thing about the tea is that it is free from harmful chemicals and reusable. Yes, one spoon of tea leaves, and I brewed it thrice. Who won’t love an economical solution with health benefits? Bingo! I found my healthy drink with the flavour of Assam.

Over to you

Switching to organic green tea has significantly impacted my overall health and well-being.

I never thought a small change in my daily routine could have such a big impact. Hope this post inspires you to take charge of your life with a healthy lifestyle.

Signing off with Love,


You can connect with me on Linkedin .



Rajashree Purkayastha

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