Increase memory quota for WMI classes to avoid WMI Quota Violation Error

Wesley Khandavalli
2 min readAug 17, 2018


You might have got the following response sometimes when using WMI notification queries.

To get rid of it you need to increase the memory quota using the following steps -

  1. Open command prompt in administrator mode

2. Type wbemtest in the command window and press OK

3. Click Connect… and in the Connect window in the Namespace type root and press Connect

4. Click Enum Instances… and in the superclass name type __ProviderHostQuotaConfiguration and press OK

6. In the Query Result window double click __ProviderHostQuotaConfiguration=@

7. Edit the following properties in the Object editor window

HandlesPerHost = 8192
MemoryPerHost = 1073741824

Don’t forget to Save Property after setting each value of the property.

After that Click Save Object to save the changes and close.

You may have to restart the system sometimes in order for the changes to take effect.



Wesley Khandavalli

IIT Graduate || Software Professional || Tech Enthusiast