A Decade of Kickstarter

Carlos Sanchez
1 min readApr 26, 2019

Aziz Hasan, CEO

10 years ago, Kickstarter started with a simple but potent mission — to help creative projects come to life. That mission has rippled across the past decade to the tune of $4B in funding, 16M+ backers, and 160,000 projects, across 22 different countries. But the whole story is way bigger than just the numbers.

Over the past decade, people from all over the world have come together to fund the things (plays, books, films, albums, and more) that they want to see exist; things that were risky, things that were wild and weird, things that may never have otherwise had the chance to exist. Hundreds of thousands of creators have built meaningful, direct relationships to their audiences. They have exchanged advice and mentorship; they have stayed up late together to watch funding goals tick over the finish line. Most importantly, they have been able to protect their creative independence — because funds raised on Kickstarter mean no “studio interference.”

