What makes Muusic Coin, the Muusic Platform and Muusic.FM different from other block chain projects?

Muusic Coin
2 min readOct 10, 2018


A lot of blockchain projects launch their crowd sale without an existing platform and in many cases without an actual blockchain solution deployed.

We wanted to stand out from the Crowd in this respect so we launched the Muusic.FM platform around 2 years ago now. This allowed us time to attract both DJ’s, Producers and Users in advance of us progressing the project to incorporate blockchain technology.

The key elements we feel make us different from the pack:

  • Existing Platform running for 2 years
  • Big selection of DJ’s and Producers already signed up to the platform and supporting the Muusic Platform
  • Blockchain up and running and stable
  • Full use case for Muusic Coin with both a reward system for DJ’s, Producers, Listeners and Users as well as a platform marketplace and third party marketplace integrations
  • Dedicated and public facing team
  • Muusic Coin is built on the Muusic Blockchain and does not run on a third party chain like Ethereum

