Tessa I. Richter
21 min readOct 3, 2022


Painting by Tessa I. Richter “Sacred nepal” — technique developed by the artist enabling multidimensional vision

Flying to the moon and beyond — being a highly creative person in a world that doesn’t understand

Being highly creative is not for the fainthearted. It is definitely a mixed blessing. Confronted with its challenging aspects of rejection, being misunderstood, not belonging, whilst battling your inner deamons of worthlessnness, doubt and inferiority, there seem to be two choices: conform to the norm, and hide this gift away in the depth of oblivion, or express it and be lonely. Either way, you will feel cut off. Cut off from yourself and the incredible potential you carry within you. Or cut off from the rest of the world around you.

So, what is the blessing, you may ask?

Using your creative energy is plugging into the current of the universe, connecting you to your heart and soul, into dimensions of existence that are mystical, heart warming and fulfilling. Having first experienced these states as a teenager, through listening and practicing music, I learned to label them much later as ecstasy and trance. Both states are more commonly known to be reached through religious or spiritual practice, in shamanism and ancient tribal ceremonies. Or through drugs, both drugs for healing and hallucinatory ones.

These states of consciousness, as I was to find out, are an important aspect of being highly creative. I was traveling through Europe at the young age of 16, and having landed in Amsterdam, was…



Tessa I. Richter

is a career and executive coach. Her INNERPULSE programs help professionals find purpose, regain well-being and the ability to perform at the highest level.