How Legit Are Mail Order Brides?

Richard C. Nesmith
6 min readApr 2, 2024


How Legit Are Mail Order Brides
Best Legit mail order bride site TheLuckyDate

Imagine you’re shopping online for a new car, carefully comparing features and prices. Suddenly, you find an amazing deal on a luxury vehicle at a really low price.

Similarly, some people feel excited about the idea of mail order brides. It seems like a good opportunity, but there could be hidden problems. Let’s explore if these arrangements are as good as they seem or if there are hidden issues. Stay tuned to find out more.

Mail Order Brides Statistics and Legalization Status

Country Legalization Status

  • 🇺🇸 USA: Legal
  • 🇷🇺 Russia: Legal
  • 🇺🇦 Ukraine: Legal
  • 🇵🇭 Philippines: Legal
  • 🇹🇭 Thailand: Legal
  • 🇻🇳 Vietnam: Legal
  • 🇨🇴 Colombia: Legal
  • 🇧🇷 Brazil: Legal
  • 🇨🇳 China: Legal
  • 🇲🇽 Mexico: Legal



  • Total Mail Order Brides: 10,000
  • Legal Brides: 9,000
  • Illegal Brides: 1,000


  • Total Mail Order Brides: 12,500
  • Legal Brides: 11,200
  • Illegal Brides: 1,300


  • Total Mail Order Brides: 14,200
  • Legal Brides: 13,000
  • Illegal Brides: 1,200

Top Destination Countries for Mail Order Brides

🇺🇸 USA:

  • Total Brides: 7,000
  • Legal Brides: 6,500
  • Illegal Brides: 500

🇷🇺 Russia:

  • Total Brides: 3,500
  • Legal Brides: 3,200
  • Illegal Brides: 300

🇺🇦 Ukraine:

  • Total Brides: 2,800
  • Legal Brides: 2,600
  • Illegal Brides: 200

Reasons for Legalization/Illegalization

  • Economic Opportunities: 45%
  • Desire for Better Life/Quality: 30%
  • Legal Restrictions in Home Country: 15%
  • Escaping Abuse/Danger: 7%
  • Other: 3%

Best Legal Dating Sites

Origins of Mail Order Brides

The concept of mail order brides traces back to the 18th and 19th centuries when settlers in the United States sought companionship from women in Eastern Europe and Asia. These men, often living in remote areas with scarce female presence, turned to correspondence and marriage agencies to find wives. The process involved exchanging letters, photographs, and sometimes even visits before deciding to marry.

Despite the romanticized portrayals in popular culture, the reality for many mail order brides was often one of uncertainty and cultural challenges. Women who ventured to marry men they barely knew faced language barriers, unfamiliar customs, and the daunting task of starting a new life in a foreign land. While some of these marriages were successful and led to lasting love, others ended in disappointment and hardship.

The origins of mail order brides shed light on a complex and nuanced history, highlighting the resilience and courage of those who embarked on such journeys in search of love and opportunity.

Legalities and Regulations

When considering the legitimacy of mail order brides today, it’s crucial to understand the legalities and regulations that govern this practice. In many countries, mail order bride services are subject to specific laws to protect the rights of both the individuals seeking a spouse and those facilitating the matches. These regulations often require background checks on both the men and women involved, ensuring that there’s no history of violence or other concerning behaviors.

Additionally, some countries have age requirements to prevent exploitation, ensuring that individuals are of legal age to enter into marriage. Immigration laws also play a significant role, with many countries requiring thorough documentation and proof of a legitimate relationship before granting a spouse or fiancé visa.

It is essential to research and understand the legal framework surrounding mail order brides in your country or the country you’re considering finding a partner from. By following these regulations, you can help ensure a more secure and legitimate process for all parties involved.

Risks and Concerns

Navigating the world of mail-order brides means understanding some big problems that can really affect how things turn out:

🎭 Trickery: Some bad people might try to cheat you for money by making false promises.

🌍 Different Cultures and Languages: It’s hard to communicate when people come from different places and speak different languages.

🤝 Agreeing Willingly: Sometimes, people might feel forced into things they don’t really want to do. It’s important that everyone agrees to the marriage without being pressured.

🔒 Not Being Close Before Marriage: When people don’t meet in person before getting married, they might have wrong ideas or find it hard to really connect.

⚖️ Legal Stuff and Moving: Depending on the countries involved, there could be legal issues or problems with moving to a new place.

💸 Money Problems: Some people might try to take advantage of their partner’s money or pressure them into giving them money.

🤔 Different Expectations: People from different places might have different ideas about marriage, which could lead to misunderstandings.

Knowing about these problems is really important for anyone thinking about mail-order brides. Taking steps to deal with these problems can help make sure things go.

The Realities of Marrying a Mail Order Bride — Men’s Experience

Sebastian’s story

«I’ve been married to my wife from the Philippines for 17 years. We met on a dating website in Hong Kong where she was working back then.

Just to be clear, our relationship wasn’t arranged like some “mail order” situation. I didn’t pay for her or anything like that. I simply sent her a letter to introduce myself. Then, we started talking through letters, emails, and calls. Later, we decided to meet in person in Manila. After spending time together, I asked her to marry me, and she said yes.

Our story is pretty normal. It’s like meeting someone on any dating website or being set up on a blind date by a friend. If we didn’t fall in love and want to be together forever, we would have gone our separate ways. That’s just how relationships work.»

David’s story

«I’ve been with my partner for 12 years now. We first crossed paths on a dating website, where we both happened to be browsing through profiles. The genuine smile in her profile picture caught my eye, and I decided to send her a message.

To my delight, she replied, and we hit it off right away. Our online conversations were lively and engaging, and it wasn’t long before we decided to meet in person.

Our first face-to-face encounter was at a local community event, where our mutual friend had invited us both. It was a bit nerve-wracking at first, but as soon as we started talking, the nerves melted away.

We spent the evening laughing and chatting, and by the end of the night, I knew there was something special about them. We exchanged numbers before parting ways, eager to continue our conversation.

From then on, our relationship blossomed. We went on dates to cozy cafes, explored new hiking trails together, and shared our dreams and aspirations.

After a couple of years of dating, we took the next step and moved in together. Our love continued to deepen as we supported each other through life’s ups and downs.

Last year, during a romantic getaway to the countryside, I found the perfect moment to ask her to marry me. With tears of joy in her eyes, she said yes, and we sealed our commitment to each other.

Our journey may have started on a dating website, but it’s grown into a beautiful love story filled with laughter, adventure, and unwavering support. And I wouldn’t change a single moment of it.»

Tips for Navigating Mail Order Bride Services

For those considering mail order bride services, it’s crucial to approach the process with caution and thorough research. Start by researching reputable agencies with positive reviews and a history of successful matches.

✅ Identifying Red Flags: Be wary of red flags such as agencies that guarantee love or pressure you into making rushed decisions.

✅ Building Trust Through Communication: When communicating with potential matches, take the time to get to know them through video calls or in-person meetings if possible. Trust your instincts and prioritize safety by not sharing sensitive information too quickly.

✅ Clarifying Expectations and Intentions: Ensure that both parties are clear about their expectations, intentions, and cultural backgrounds to avoid misunderstandings. Discuss important topics like family values, future goals, and how you envision your relationship progressing.

✅ Visiting Partner’s Country: Before committing to marriage, consider visiting your partner’s country to experience their lifestyle firsthand and meet their family and friends. This can provide valuable insights into their life and help strengthen your bond.

✅ Time, Effort, and Mutual Respect: Remember that building a successful relationship takes time, effort, and mutual respect. By following these guidelines, individuals can approach mail order bride services with confidence and increase their chances of finding a compatible partner while minimizing potential risks.


Overall, while the concept of mail order brides may have its origins in historical practices, it’s important to approach these services with caution. Legalities and regulations vary, and there are risks involved.

However, there are also success stories and realities of happy marriages. To navigate the world of mail order brides, it’s crucial to do thorough research, understand the risks, and communicate openly with potential partners.



Richard C. Nesmith

Hi, I'm Richard, a dating coach and author at In my blog, I share insights and advice on dating with women from various countries