A Step-by-Step Guide: Uploading Your iOS App to the App Store

Manish Prakash
5 min readJun 6, 2023


Table of contents:

1. Introduction
2. Create an Apple ID
3. Enroll Yourself in Apple Developer Program
4. Prepare your IPA file
5. Access App Store Connect
6. Create a New App
7. Prepare App Store Listing
8. Prepare App Version and Build
9. Upload IPA
10. Submit for Review
11. Wait for Review
12. App Approval or Rejection
13. Conclusion

  1. Introduction

Publishing your iOS app on the App Store is an exciting milestone in your development journey. However, the process of uploading your app can sometimes be daunting, especially if you’re a first-time developer. In this step-by-step guide, we’ll walk you through the process of uploading your IPA (iOS App Store package) to the App Store. By following these steps, you’ll be well-equipped to navigate the submission process and share your app with the world.

2. Create an Apple ID
You will require an apple ID to upload the IPA to appstore. To create an apple account you can go to below mentioned website.

3. Enroll Yourself in Apple Developer Program

While enrolling first time for the developer program, you may get this dialog saying ”Unable to continue”. Then you need to contact with apple support for further process (It’s time taking process).

4. Prepare your IPA file:
Before you begin the submission process, ensure that you have a properly built and signed IPA file of your iOS app. This file should be generated using a valid provisioning profile and distribution certificate. Take the time to test your app thoroughly on different devices to catch any potential issues before submitting it.

You can build the IPA file for distribution using XCode.

5. Access App Store Connect:
To begin the submission process, head over to the App Store Connect website and sign in using your Apple Developer account credentials. If you don’t have an account yet, you’ll need to enroll in the Apple Developer Program. During the enrollment process you need to pay $99/yr for individual and $299/yr for organization. I paid around 8700 INR for one year. After the payment your account will be eligible to upload the application on appstore.

6. Create a New App:
Once logged in, navigate to the “My Apps” section and click on the “+” button to create a new app record. Provide the required information, including the app name, bundle ID, and app store details. Be mindful of selecting an appropriate app category and filling out the metadata accurately.

7. Prepare App Store Listing
Now it’s time to craft an enticing app store listing. Pay careful attention to your app’s name, description, screenshots, app icon, keywords, and any other assets required. These elements play a crucial role in attracting potential users to download your app, so invest time in making them compelling and visually appealing.

8. Prepare App Version and Build:
Navigate to the “App Store Versions” section and add a new version for your app. Enter the version number and provide release notes to inform users about the changes and updates in this release. Next, click on the “+” button under “Build” to upload your IPA file.

9. Upload IPA:
Follow the on-screen instructions to select the IPA file from your computer and begin the upload process. Depending on the size of the file and your internet connection, the upload may take a few minutes. Remain patient throughout this step and avoid interrupting the process.

10. Submit for Review:
Once the upload is complete, choose the uploaded build for the version you created and click on “Save.” Review all the details and, when ready, click on “Submit for Review” to initiate the app review process. Be prepared to provide any additional information or answer questions during the submission process.

11. Wait for Review:
At this stage, your app enters the review queue, where Apple’s App Review team will examine it for compliance with the App Store guidelines. The review process typically takes a few days. Stay informed by monitoring the notifications and updates sent through App Store Connect.

12. App Approval or Rejection:
Once the review is complete, you’ll receive a notification regarding the status of your app. If approved, your app will be available on the App Store according to the release settings you specified. Congratulations! If any issues or rejections arise, you’ll receive detailed feedback explaining the reasons. Address these concerns and, if necessary, resubmit your app for review. When your app will be approved from Apple after review then the status will be updated as “Ready to sale”.

13. Conclusion:
Uploading your iOS app to the App Store is an essential step towards sharing your creation with a wide audience. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can navigate the submission process confidently and increase your chances of a smooth approval. Remember to adhere to Apple’s guidelines, provide a positive user experience, and embrace the exciting journey of becoming an app publisher.

Thank you for your time, hope it will add some values to your knowledge.



Manish Prakash

Flutter Developer, fusing code with creativity to orchestrate unforgettable mobile experiences.