Goodbye to breaking the phone screens…New technologies to fix the screen by heating it

3 min readMay 10, 2018


We are all aware of the frustration of breaking the screen of our new phone, but these fractions have become a thing of the past after the emergence of a new type of plastic, which provides insurance services against fracture, through the properties that allow users to repair the screen after the rupture, adding heat and chemical catalyst, Like magic.

Vitrimers is one of the ideas of Ludwig Lebler, the material scientist at the ESCPI Institute in Paris, and his invention was awarded the 2015 inventor prize from the European Patent Office.

The first applications will be in transport, cars and aircraft to repair and increase durability. Vitrimers plastics combine plastic thermoplastics, which are soft when heated but become strong enough to dry. Another type of plastic has been used to repair it countless times to her.

It is expected that vitrimers will be used to treat injuries and accelerate healing, according to Lippler, who confirmed that he began animal experiments, to infect the liver in mice, but the priority to adjust new technology and create a new generation of products, not clear when they will reach markets, to use heat to repair their phones Or repairs automatically.

New invention end the suffering of broken phone screen

British scientists have invented a cheap and flexible screen for smartphones that they say is never breakable.

The new Telegraph newspaper said Thursday that this new invention would make it difficult to repair the tires that were burdensome and costly.

Smartphone screens are very fragile, with metal-encased metal oxide anodized metal that can easily shatter when a phone is placed on a solid object.

The Telegraph that the new screen made of silver and graphene metal.

This material is very flexible and does not need extra protection like the current screens, and the new screen will be soft and fracture-like or similar to acrylic (polymer synthetic fibers)

Apple Announces iPhone Repair Device

NEW YORK (Reuters) — Replacing a broken screen for an iPhone is not an easy task, according to Apple, which has manufactured a machine designed to repair broken iPhone screens

The company will distribute 400 machines at its branches in 25 countries by the end of this year, so that the phone scree n can be fixed on the same day, the company said.

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The device does not only replace the glass, but the phone undergoes a “mini re-manufacturing”, improving the performance of the screen for each device is repaired, individually, the glass is linked to a set of sensors, and if not put the glass correctly, the screen will contain gaps in its interaction with touch, Fingerprint may not work.

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The device, dubbed “Horizon Machines”, was ready for several years and has been used by a number of branches around the world at its trial, and hopes the company will help reduce queues outside its repair workshops known as “Genius Bars”

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