Proven Skincare Routine for all Skin Types this Winter

Maira sheikh
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
5 min readSep 11, 2020

A skincare routine that works!

Winter is knocking at the doors of climate all over the world. It is good to have snow and chill around us. In no time there will be slightly chilly oh it’s too frosting very soon. Winter is a lovely season, with delicious fruits, snow-covered trees but this blessing season come with few harsh effects on our health & skin and if we don’t take proper of ourselves, then there can be a significant effect on all types of skin. Winter doesn’t only come with cold and snow; it carries dehydrating air, and winter sun rays can also cause sunburn and tan skin. These conditions affect all types of skins, whether it is dry, oily, or you have a combination of both skin types.

If you are looking for something like creams and lotions so yeah they are available in the market, but it will cost you a considerable amount of money. Natural ingredients are very low in percentage and this and that formula can damage the skin cells badly. More expensive skincare products contain fewer side effects, but again you may or may not afford them.

For these reasons, many women tend to move toward home remedies but HOLD ON! Home remedies are cheaper, but not all are safe for your skin. Worry not! Here are some proven skincare home remedies exclusively sorted for all those who are looking for winter skincare in their pockets. Consider it your lucky day because these tips are suitable for all skin types. So worry not these advanced skincare tips will be beneficial for all — dry, oily, and combination skin care.

Dry Skin:

Winter is the most challenging weather for dry skin people. It can cause acute dryness, scars, itching, and small spots on the face. Dry skin is considered the most sensitive type of skin as hardly any formula suits it. Only advanced skincare remedies can save dry skin from damaging more in winters. Here are a few things that come directly from your kitchen and household in winter, medically proven skincare tips, and will perform miracles on your face:

Milk and almond Pack:

Proven skincare routine
Photo by Ekaterina Bolovtsova from Pexels

Almonds are rich in bioactive compounds that help in restoring the lost moisturizer for your skin. Using almond along milk can reduce dryness on your face and leave it more supple.

Step 1

· Take 10–15 almonds and crush them to turn in powder for about 1–2 tablespoon.

· Take fresh milk for about 2–3 tablespoons.

Step 2

· To make paste mix them together properly.

· Apply on your face particularly on most dried parts and leave it for 10 minutes.

· Rinse with plain water.

Step 3

· For long-lasting results repeat it twice a week.

· Do not try this remedy if you are allergic to dairy products.

Cocoa butter and olive oil:

Proven skincare routine
Photo by Mareefe from Pexels

Step 1:

· One tablespoon of cocoa butter

· One tablespoon of Olive oil

· One tablespoon of ginger paste (ginger will remove the dust from face)

Step 2

· Mix all of them and make a paste

· Apply on your face and neck and leave for 15–20 mins

· Rinse with lukewarm water

Step 3

· You can repeat this procedure once or twice in a weak.

· This remedy will not only cure dryness but will also provide an extra glow to your face.

Papaya & Honey:

Proven skincare routine
Photo by alleksana from Pexels

Step 1:

· Take one ripe papaya

· Honey 1 tablespoon

Step 2:

· Mash the ripe papaya and add honey into it

· Make a thick paste and apply on face for 20 minutes

· Wash it with plain water.

Step 3:

· Apply twice a week for smooth skin throughout the winter.

Oily and Combination Skincare:

Oily and combination skincare is as difficult as taking care of dry skin because, in winter, you cannot apply moisturizer on oily skin as it will feel greasy. And if you apply moisturizer daily on combination skin that will have the same effect and leaving it un-attentive can cause dryness and tan skin. Here are a few proven skincare tips for these skin types:

Papaya, banana & lemon juice:

The problem with combination skin is that it is dry sometimes and oily the other time’s papaya and banana can work on dryness while lemon juice keeps the oil at balance.

Proven skincare routine
Photo by alleksana from Pexels

Step 1:

· Take a banana or few chunks of papaya in a bowl.

· Squeeze half lemon into it.

Step 2

· Mix them properly mash the fruit and apply on the face

· Now leave it to get dry

· Wash with plain water

Step 3:

· Apply it once or twice in a weak to keep your face smooth and fresh.

Orange peel & Curd:

Orange is a source of vitamin C and dried orange peel work like a miracle for oily skin. On the other hand, curd is a miracle item for dry skin; it tightens the skin and moisturizes it too intensively.

Photo by Charlotte May from Pexels

Step 1:

· Take the peel of 1 dried orange

· Yogurt as required 1–2 tablespoon

Step 2

· Take the dried peel and grind it to make powder

· Now add yogurt and make a thick paste

· Now apply and leave for 20 mins

· Wash your face with lukewarm water

Step 3

· Apply it twice a week

· Don’t try if you are allergic to dairy products.

Honey & cucumber juice:

If you are looking for some advanced skincare for oily and dry combination, skin cucumber & honey is one of the best remedies.

Photo by Pixabay from pexels

Step 1:

· Juice of 1 cucumber

· Honey 1 tablespoon

Step 2:

· Mix them in a bowl and apply them to your face.

· Leave it until dry then wash with plain water

Step 3:

· It is the best combination skincare remedy for combination skin, so try to apply it at least twice a week.

Let’s put it together:

Irrespective of the weather, skincare is essential for everyone, and there are many proven skin care home remedies that are affordable.



Maira sheikh
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

An experienced web content and blog writer at My passion towards the work has enabled me to make others learn from what Iwrite.