Maisa Dóris Ferlin
2 min readDec 31, 2021


I could wish you the good old fashioned New Year’s, but it wouldn’t be me. It would just be the part of me that repeats the system.

Specifically, for 2022, I want to wish you COURAGE.
May you have a lot, a lot of courage.

Courage to be happy.
Courage to dare.
Courage to do what is necessary and not just what is pleasurable for you.
Courage to live your dreams, but mainly to understand that each one of them has a price to be paid and you will need courage to pay!
Courage to discontinue friendships and courage to start new ones.
Courage to leave your home and live in another.
Courage to live with you, rather than with someone who doesn’t add to you anymore.
Courage to send the diet to shit, and courage to continue it.
Courage to wear red lipstick, and courage to rub it in someone’s face, taking out every last pigment.
Courage to review your bank account now and courage to DECLARE you will live other numbers on your f. account statement.
Courage to go, courage to stop, courage to wait, courage to cry and courage to scream with laughter in the middle of the avenue because you are alive.
Courage to celebrate the day by applauding the sun without thinking that this is a cricket thing (and if it is, courage to understand that they are the guys!)
Courage to read this text and share it with whoever you understand needs to read it.
Courage to tell me what you thought of the text and courage to write yours.
Courage to end 2021 by giving thanks and courage to start 2022 by DECLARING JUST VICTORY and especially living each day of the year remembering what you declared today.

So let´s be closer. Tell me what you´ve already decided to make your 2022 one of the best years of your life!



Maisa Dóris Ferlin

Writer, copywriter, webwriter, business writer, and writing lover. By writing I can breath, and fortunately, I can also pay my bills.