Create Flutter Application that support Web, Android, iOS and Desktop

Maite Daluz
4 min readAug 19, 2020

It has never been easier to create applications that could run on multiple platforms.

In Flutter addition to developing for mobile device we can also create applications that can be executed in Desktop, Linux, Web and Mac.

In this article we will learn how to change channel, active suporte for windows, Linux, Mac and Web, and also connect our project to a repository on gitHub.


[x] - Flutter 
[x] - Visual Studio (with de plugin "Desktop development with C++")
[x] - Android Studio
[x] - Visual Studio Code
[x] - Chorme

Let’s star..

First we open the command line (Windows+R)

to see which channel we are in, executing the following command:

> flutter channel

We have to be in the channel master because it’s the only one who supports all operating systems, the channel dev don’t support Windows, Mac, Web and Linux, and the channel stable don’t support Windows.

For change channel we use the following command:

> flutter channel <name channel>

Now we upgrade flutter:

> flutter upgrade

After that we must enable the support for Windows, Mac andLinux, by executing the following command:

> flutter config --enable-macos-desktop
> flutter config --enable-linux-desktop
> flutter config --enable-windows-desktop

Then to see the enabled operating systems, run the following command

> flutter config -h

Create Project

Now we create the project with specific package for Android and iOS, for that we will use the following command

> flutter create --org <name package> <name app>

Upload the project to an GitHub repository

First open github an create your repository

Open your project in Android Studio or Visual Studio Code or navegate to the project directory and in the terminal you will enter these commands:

> git init .    
> git remote add origin <URL your repository in gitHub>
> git add .
> git commit -m "first commit"
> git fetch
> git push --set-upstream origin develop

Running The Demo App

To run the project click the run button inside Android Studio or from the terminalflutter run

The result should be something like this.


And that’s it for today !

