Google India SWE Summer Intern’24 Interview Experience

Amit Maity
5 min readDec 20, 2023


Hi, my name is Amit Maity, In this article, I will share my Interview experience of Google India SWE Summer Intern’2024.

Google opens this opportunity every year at the end of the second year. The earlier you apply, the sooner you get to know your application's outcome. However, I was waiting for the referral (Later, I came to know that at Google even after application referral work). Then, after waiting two weeks, and getting no referral, I just applied on July 17, 2023. But on the next day, I received a referral from one SSE at Google via Linkedin Connections.

I was fully confident in myself that my profile would get shortlisted. At the time of applying my coding profile was:

Leetcode: 2000+ Ratings (Top 2% in Global) [1000+ Qns Solved]

Codeforces: Specialist, Ratings of 1425. [500+ Qns Solved]

Development: Have strong knowledge, done freelancing on Android.

Profile Shortlisting:

Many of my connections got the link already for the 1st round Interview, I was just frustrated and wondered why I had not received any mail or anything else.

It was, on 4th September,2023, that I finally received a Direct Phone call from Google, It was almost 1.5 Months after the application. They called me two times, I missed that as I was sleeping in the noon as I was in my home for a vacation after 2nd-year end. Then, when I woke up I was just shocked, that I received two calls from Google and one Mail. I just called back on that number and I was not prepared for any phone screening round or anything else, as I was in bed at that time 😅, but they treated this call as a phone screening round.

Phone Screening (10 Minutes):

On that call, the recruiter introduced herself at first and then told me to introduce myself. Then, ask about my experience and coding profiles. Then, we discussed the language in which I am comfortable. Then, the recruiter asked if you were free this week or not, I agreed and I thought I would get some time. But after a few hours of that call, I received the first Interview Call on 8th September.

I had only 3 days. (5/6/7 sept). I scheduled my day and started practicing questions, and topics first two days, and on the last day, I practiced the GFG Archives. First, for two days I practiced via Striver SDE Sheet and Codestudio previous Google Qns. But that time on 6th September, I had in high Fever, I was preparing only for Google without informing about the fever anyone at home. I thought it was a normal weather change effect but later diagnosed Dengue Positive myself. I had only 2 days left, but practiced questions, not check the doctor till now, I was just waiting for the interview then I would go to the doctor's checkup. Then, I just practiced GFG archives, nothing more than that. Then on the day of the Interview, revised the Time Complexity of different algorithms. That’s it. My fever was high so that, I got dizzy and fell into the room on the day of the Interview.

First Interview Round:

I was prepared for the interview and started my interview at 11:00 a.m.

At first, a little introduction part of the interviewer and me, then directly he jumped to the coding part.

Questions: 2 Questions with Code + 1 Questions for discussion

The questions were based on Tree, actual questions I couldn't write here. But the last two questions were followed up as the first question. The tricky part was, to catch that question it was from Tree because he explained the question in terms of raw examples of company hierarchy.

I solved both the questions and coded both questions within the time limit and he asked one more question for discussion. And discussed about Time and space complexity.

I was a little confident that, I would get my second round interview soon, and ya after a few days HR sent me an email to confirm my availability, I replied and after one day I received the second round interview link.

This time, I got the mail on 14th September and my interview was on 21st September. I was excited for the opportunity.

Second Interview Round:

At the time of my second interview, I was in my Hostel. So, at first, I locked my room from outside by one friend and sat for the interview.

Same as the first round, at first, a little introduction part of the interviewer and me, and then directly he jumped to the coding part.

Questions: 2 Questions with Code

The questions were based on Queue, Custom Sort (Comparator Class), Priority Queue, and actual questions I couldn’t write here. But the last question was followed up as the first question. And ask about the Time and Space Complexity.

I solved both the questions and coded both questions within the time limit but for the last question I didn’t handle some edge cases as time was exhausted (after the coding part finished, the interviewer told me about that ) and ya, I also explained later what was my mistake, and he agreed with that.

Then, again started counting the time and was waiting for the next email. I expected the email in the next week, and ya after a few days on 26th September I received a Mail from my HR, that I needed to send my recent Transcript. I quickly sent her that.

Again, counting started. I was so confused and anxious that I hadn’t done anything until the mail arrived. I stay in bed all day, constantly thinking about what will happen. I didn’t even go to college for a day or two. I was completely consumed by anxiety.

Update: 10.10.2023: One follow-up mail and recruiter response that it will take time, just wait.

Update 10.11.2023: Not received any response yet. [40+ Days from last Interview Crossed]

Update 10.12.2023: Not received any response yet. [70+ Days from last Interview Crossed]

Finally, on 15th December 2023, I received a call from the Recruiter, “Sorry to say you: Your Profile not Moving ahead.”

15th December 2023 — a remarkable day in my life. I can’t write anything more here……

The — End



Amit Maity

CSE Undergrad | ICPC Regionalist '24 | Android Dev | Problem Solver | Ex. TA @Coding Ninjas | Open Source Contributor | CP | DSA