How to keep learning when you don’t have the time?

Majda Nafissa Rahal
2 min readNov 5, 2018


Photo by Sonja Langford

The number one excuse people use for not learning, reading or improving is, without a doubt:

I just don’t have the time. I’m too busy.

Sounds familiar? I hear it all the time.

What most of us don’t realize is that we can take advantage of what Tony Robbins calls “NET time”, as in “No Extra Time”. It refers to all the time spent (wasted?) while waiting in line or at the doctor, driving to work, doing the dishes, exercising, and so on. Basically, all non-intellectually demanding activities.

Instead of getting bored and checking instagram while waiting at the doctor’s office, we could read an article.
Instead of listening to music while driving to work, we can listen to a good audiobook.
Instead of dreading doing the dishes, you can look forward to doing them while listening to your favorite podcast (I’ll share my favorites soon).

I’ve practiced this for years now, with incredible results.

For example, people often ask me: how did you learn to speak English so well? My secret is all the audiobooks I listened to while doing the dishes, and all the articles I read while waiting at an admin to get a document, and all the podcasts I listened to while exercising.

Till this day, that’s how I find the time to learn every day. Try it, you’ll be surprised by how quickly you will reap the rewards and see results!

