What The Hospitality Industry Doesn’t Tell You About The Holiday Season

Maria Navarro
3 min readNov 14, 2022

This is me and one of my ex-coworkers, Mauricio. He is one of the people who I now consider my family thanks to this industry. We were about to step out into service during Thanksgiving time. Can you hear the people in the room, the kids, and the kitchen tickets at the same time? Ready? Set, go!

Before you start packing your bags to leave for your holiday vacation, let me let you in a little secret.

Hospitality people, we make things happen.

Whether it’s working a double shift, filling in different positions, flying the plane that’s taking you home to your loved ones, or cooking your favorite meal. We make it happen.

The thing is, part of working in this industry means making magic happen every day. But during the holiday season, it’s like we become The Avengers or something.

You see, during this season the hospitality industry suffers the most because we’re understaffed. Why is that? Because we want to spend the holidays with our families and loved ones too. Managers take on the daunting task of trying to figure out a schedule that works both for the company and the employees’ lives.

And we’re not complaining. We knew what we signed up for when we decided to work in this industry. Because as…

