The Importance of a Business Number: Why Every Business Needs One

Major Development Canada
3 min readMar 2, 2023


If you’re a business owner in Canada, you may have heard of a Business Number (BN) but might not be clear on what it is or why you need one. A Business Number is a unique nine-digit identifier that is assigned to businesses by the Canadian government. It is used to identify your business when you interact with government agencies such as the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), and other organizations that require a business identification number. In this blog, we will discuss the importance of having a Business Number and why every business should have one.

business number

Business Registration

One of the primary reasons why businesses need a Business Number is to register with the government. When you register your business, you will be issued a BN by the CRA. This is a mandatory requirement for all businesses in Canada, regardless of their size or industry. You will need your BN to file taxes, apply for permits and licenses, and interact with government agencies.

Tax Purposes

Your Business Number is an essential tool for your business’s tax purposes. It is used to identify your business when you file taxes and make payments to the CRA. Your BN helps the CRA to track your tax obligations, which includes income tax, payroll taxes, and sales tax. The BN also allows the CRA to communicate with you about any changes in tax laws or regulations that may affect your business.

Access to Government Services

Having a Business Number gives you access to a variety of government services, including grants, loans, and support programs. When you apply for these programs, your BN will be used to identify your business and to verify your eligibility for the program. Without a Business Number, you may not be eligible for certain government programs that could benefit your business.


Having a Business Number can give your business credibility in the eyes of your customers, suppliers, and partners. It shows that your business is registered with the government and is compliant with tax laws and regulations. A BN can also make it easier for you to do business with other companies and organizations that require a business identification number.

Protection of Personal Information

When you have a Business Number, you can use it to conduct business transactions without having to provide your personal information. This protects your privacy and reduces the risk of identity theft. Instead of providing your personal information, you can use your BN to verify your identity when you interact with government agencies and other organizations.

In conclusion, a Business Number is a unique identifier that is assigned to businesses in Canada. It is an essential tool for businesses as it is used to register with the government, file taxes, access government services, and protect personal information. Every business in Canada, regardless of its size or industry, should have a Business Number. It is a critical part of doing business in Canada and can provide your business with credibility, access to government services, and protection of personal information. If you don’t have a Business Number yet, it’s essential to register your business and obtain one as soon as possible.



Major Development Canada

Major Developments Canada is a small consulting agency helping Canadian entrepreneurs access unsecured government loans.