The Environment of Singapore User Experience Industry

Major Sputnik
2 min readJun 1, 2017


The Digital Marketing Age

In an era when everything is transforming to be digital, maintaining a strong online presence is extremely important to maintain relevance and keep up with the trend. A range of digital marketing initiatives such as setting up social media account, developing mobile app, and creating websites is the general basic ways to build online presence.

It is certainly worthwhile to craft a successful digital marketing campaign. The benefits can come in various ways such as making your business marketing more cost-effective, providing a direct and straightforward way to track response rate, generating higher revenue from online sales, giving boost to brand reputation, and heightening the brand competitiveness.

Not All About Numbers and Figures

Digital marketing can be a delicate task at times. To execute it effectively and hopefully rank high on the Google search engine result, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) marketing is usually employed. The goal of SEO is to make stuffs easier for both the audience and the search engine robots. Therefore, it generally focuses on making useful content that is relevant to the keywords that users may key in. However, in recent updates, more sophisticated technology is used to encourage digital marketers to prioritize the user experience on their website.

Emphasizing on User Experience

A great UX is one that put the users’ goals and needs first, and ensure that users can achieve them in easiest possible way. There are various ways to do this, for example: writing high quality content that will benefit the readers, using recorded data to personalize browsing experience, and many others. Usability aspect should also not be ignored as it is essential in helping people have an enjoyable experience. In return for the effort, an excellent UX will make a good impression on people, resulting in organic sharing and positive word-of-mouth.

UX in Singapore Local Context

The Singapore User Experience scene is a lively and thriving one. As businesses are increasingly aware of the importance of UX, companies focusing in the field and freelancers are on high demand. A UX agency can provide their service to handle stuffs ranging from the initial UX research and evaluation, designing and developing the website and mobile, to helping the brand makes a mark in the digital scene.

In Singapore, where the start-up culture is growing rapidly, a good UX is not just a part of a good enterprise. Research and planning of websites and apps are very important. Designing a good UX and having a clear workflow can assist a lot in figuring out the product’s goal, the message it wants to convey, target audiences, and even coming up with a sustainable scheme to do business.

