Akash Mahajan - Automating Cloud Security
Akash Mahajan - Automating Cloud Security

Building kloudle.com to automate cloud security for engineers.

Thoughts on cloud security on substack

Ever since I can remember, I have been passionate about unblocking security challenges for people who are builders. This passion has driven my career choices in network, application and now cloud security. I spent the last two decades helping businesses stay secure while they grew massively through tactical automation & strategic process implementation. With my ability to crystallize & execute improvements where they have maximum impact, I have built a reputation for being the one to work with when you want to become resilient when getting hacked and don't want to compromise on your ambitious business goals. After several years of freelancing, I set up Appsecco. Appsecco's niche was to solve appsec for products & APIs hosted in public clouds. Customers loved the in-depth developer-focused reports, training and outstanding resulting improvements. While keeping the applications and products secure, I saw 100% of our customers becoming better at application security but getting worse at defending their cloud environments. Due to the flexibility offered by cloud providers, risks increase as humans tend to make mistakes. Human errors are the #1 reason for data breaches in the cloud. As per Gartner, 99% of all cloud security issues start with that. Capital One lost 107 Million customer records due to just two errors in configuration. This was the trigger to build Kloudle, which eliminates human error by automating all critical aspects of cloud security. Just like public clouds are perfect for small companies building world-class products, Kloudle is offered as a B2B SaaS. Kloudle offers a self-service experience right from registration to onboarding and integrations. With Kloudle, we have fused a decade's cloud security knowledge & wisdom into the product's fabric. This translates into a product that is a joy to use, easy for all experience levels, takes away the pain and stress of doing security 24/7

Author of 2 books (https://www.amazon.com/Akash-Mahajan/e/B078RNWZXR),

Medium member since December 2022
Editor of Appsecco and HackersInSight
Akash Mahajan - Automating Cloud Security

Akash Mahajan - Automating Cloud Security

Book Author

Founder CEO of Kloudle - Automating cloud sec for Engineers • Writing about cloud security on substack - https://automatingcloudsec.substack.com/ xPosting here