Pros and Cons of Activism

Makayla Marrow
4 min readFeb 23, 2021


Pros and Cons of Activism

Many people aren’t exactly sure what activism is the pros and cons of activism or even as much being an activist yourself, activism accomplishes more good than harm. Activism is the practice that promotes vigorous effort in support or opposition to one side of a contentious issue, political activism, What is an activist? An activist is a person who advocates for the support or opposition to one side of a controversial issue for example The Black Lives Matter movement, the Civil Rights Movement, Women’s liberation, and many more. These movements were acts of activism filled with activists protesting for what they think is right. These movements have brought light to what’s going on in each of these groups/communities the good the bad and of course the ugly.

I know you may be thinking, “So being an activist is all sunshine and rainbows?” and my answer to you is no, just like anything else in life there are advantages and disadvantages.

Some advantages are Revolutions, enhanced human rights, pressure on diplomats increases, less deprivation, the alliance of people with dual interests, you may feel better as an individual. With all these positive examples there is one critical advantage, it’s to develop the overall level of freedom in a country, helping minorities get a better status in society, therefore, bettering the opportunities in their daily lives. an example is the Women’s Strike for Peace and Equality, New York City, Aug. 26, 1970

Some disadvantages of activism are the fact that it may not be peaceful, radical movements, destruction, you’ll probably have to go to jail, physical punishment, activism doing more harm than good, online activism can spread fake news (always be sure to check all your sources so you’ll know your information is right.), activism is considered dodgy by many, many people. As we’ve seen before activism can become ruthless and destructive an example could be after George Floyd’s death, the protest took an all-time high and riots broke out over most of the world because of his unjust death.

His death was behind a counterfeit 20 dollar bill, Does that feel like justice to you? I surely hope that it doesn’t. This is also what caused the disadvantage of activism, the feeling of not being heard and respected as a person, as a simple human being caused riots on top of riots. The streets were filled with hurt, sadness, and anguish.

In conclusion, activism is the act of fighting what is right, it’s neither right nor wrong and it brings light to issues that need to be addressed and not taken lightly.
Works Cited activism.

What is an activist? An activist is a person who advocates for the support or opposition to one side of a controversial issue for example The Black Lives Matter movement, the Civil rights movement, Women’s liberation, and many more. These movements were acts of activism filled with activists protesting for what they think is right. These movements have brought light to what’s going on in each of these groups/communities the good the bad and of course the ugly.

I know you may be thinking, “So being an activist is all sunshine and rainbows?” and my answer to you is no, just like anything else in life there are advantages and disadvantages.

Some advantages are Revolutions, enhanced human rights, pressure on diplomats, less deprivation, and the alliance of people with dual interests, you may feel better as an individual. With all these positive examples, one critical advantage is to develop the overall level of freedom in a country, helping minorities get a better status in society, therefore, bettering the opportunities in their daily lives. an example is the Women’s Strike for Peace and Equality, New York City, Aug. 26, 1970

Some disadvantages of activism are the fact that it may not be peaceful, radical movements, destruction, you’ll probably have to go to jail, physical punishment, activism doing more harm than good, online activism can spread fake news (always be sure to check all your sources so you’ll know your information is right.), activism is considered dodgy by many, many people. As we’ve seen before activism can become ruthless and destructive an example could be after George Floyd’s death, the protest took an all-time high and riots broke out over most of the world because of his unjust death.

His death was behind a double-dealing 20 dollar bill, Does that feel like fairness to you? I surely hope that it doesn’t. This is also what caused the disadvantage of activism, the feeling of not being heard and respected as a person, as a straightforward human being caused riots on top of riots. The streets were filled with hurt, sadness, and anguish.

In conclusion, activism is the act of fighting what is right, it’s neither right nor wrong and it brings light to issues that need to be addressed and not taken lightly.
Works Cited

